Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
S.Hamdioui M.Nicolaidis D.Gizopoulos A.Grasset P.Bonnot G.G.E.Gielen P.H.N.D.Wit E.Maricau J.Loeckx J.Martín-Martínez B.Kaczer R.Rodríguez M.Nafría
Talks about:
technolog (2) challeng (2) reliabl (2) forthcom (1) nanomet (1) system (1) yield (1) emerg (1) time (1) real (1)
Person: Guido Groeseneken
DBLP: Groeseneken:Guido
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DATE-2013-HamdiouiNGGGB #challenge #realtime #reliability
- Reliability challenges of real-time systems in forthcoming technology nodes (SH, MN, DG, AG, GG, PB), pp. 129–134.
- DATE-2008-GielenWMLMKGRN #challenge #reliability
- Emerging Yield and Reliability Challenges in Nanometer CMOS Technologies (GGEG, PHNDW, EM, JL, JMM, BK, GG, RR, MN), pp. 1322–1327.