Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Bonnot S.Hamdioui M.Nicolaidis D.Gizopoulos G.Groeseneken S.Girbal M.Moretó J.Abella E.Quiñones F.J.Cazorla S.Yehia A.Deledda C.Mucci A.Vitkovski P.Millet M.Kühnle F.Ries M.Hübner J.Becker M.Coppola L.Pieralisi R.Locatelli G.Maruccia F.Campi T.DeMarco
Talks about:
infrastructur (1) reconfigur (1) mainstream (1) technolog (1) processor (1) heterogen (1) forthcom (1) communic (1) challeng (1) reliabl (1)
Person: Arnaud Grasset
DBLP: Grasset:Arnaud
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2013-GirbalMGAQCY #convergence #on the
- On the convergence of mainstream and mission-critical markets (SG, MM, AG, JA, EQ, FJC, SY), p. 10.
- DATE-2013-HamdiouiNGGGB #challenge #realtime #reliability
- Reliability challenges of real-time systems in forthcoming technology nodes (SH, MN, DG, AG, GG, PB), pp. 129–134.
- DATE-2008-DeleddaMVBGMKRHBCPLMCD #communication #configuration management #design #framework
- Design of a HW/SW Communication Infrastructure for a Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Processor (AD, CM, AV, PB, AG, PM, MK, FR, MH, JB, MC, LP, RL, GM, FC, TD), pp. 1352–1357.