Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Nass ∅ I.Jonsson A.P.Felt A.Ainslie R.W.Reeder S.Consolvo S.Thyagaraja A.Bettes J.Grimes
Talks about:
emot (3) inform (2) regul (2) accur (2) car (2) comprehens (1) interfac (1) frustrat (1) consider (1) inaccur (1)
Person: Helen Harris
DBLP: Harris:Helen
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2015-FeltARCTBHG #comprehension
- Improving SSL Warnings: Comprehension and Adherence (APF, AA, RWR, SC, ST, AB, HH, JG), pp. 2893–2902.
- HCI-AS-2013-Harris #interface #speech
- Emotion and Emotion Regulation Considerations for Speech-Based In-Vehicle Interfaces (HH), pp. 571–577.
- CHI-2011-HarrisN
- Emotion regulation for frustrating driving contexts (HH, CN), pp. 749–752.
- CHI-2008-JonssonHN #how #information management
- How accurate must an in-car information system be?: consequences of accurate and inaccurate information in cars (IMJ, HH, CN), pp. 1665–1674.