Collaborated with:
Per Backlund Marcus Toftedahl Fernando Bevilacqua Björn Berg Marklund ∅ Mikael Johannesson Mikael Lebram Ulf Wilhelmsson Jenny Brusk Per Anders Östblad Magnus Andersson Hagiwara H.M.Söderholm Anna-Sofia Alklind Taylor Angelique Slijper Karin Svensson Jesper Poucette Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
Talks about:
game (10) research (2) challeng (2) product (2) stress (2) cultur (2) that (2) play (2) educ (2) use (2)
Person: Henrik Engström
DBLP: Engstr=ouml=m:Henrik
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- VS-Games-2011-BacklundTEJLSSPS #evaluation
- Evaluation of Usefulness of the Elinor Console for Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation (PB, ASAT, HE, MJ, ML, AS, KS, JP, KSS), pp. 98–103.
- VS-Games-2014-MarklundBE #challenge #education #game studies
- The Practicalities of Educational Games: Challenges of Taking Games into Formal Educational Settings (BBM, PB, HE), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2015-BacklundEJLHS #game studies
- Enhancing Immersion with Contextualized Scenarios: Role-Playing in Prehospital Care Training (PB, HE, MJ, ML, MAH, HMS), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2015-BevilacquaBE #analysis #game studies #multimodal
- Proposal for Non-Contact Analysis of Multimodal Inputs to Measure Stress Level in Serious Games (FB, PB, HE), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2015-WilhelmssonEBO #design #game studies #using #visual notation
- Accessible Game Culture Using Inclusive Game Design - Participating in a Visual Culture That You Cannot See (UW, HE, JB, PAÖ), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2016-BevilacquaBE #game studies
- Variations of Facial Actions While Playing Games with Inducing Boredom and Stress (FB, PB, HE), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2017-BacklundEMT #challenge #game studies #identification #research
- Developing games for non-leisure contexts: Identification of challenges and research gaps (PB, HE, BBM, MT), pp. 15–22.
- DiGRA-2018-ToftedahlBE #game studies #how #locality #question #why
- Localization from an Indie Game Production Perspective - Why, When and How? (MT, PB, HE).
- DiGRA-2019-Engstrom #game studies #research
- GDC vs. DiGRA: Gaps in Game Production Research (HE).
- DiGRA-2019-ToftedahlE #game studies #industrial #taxonomy #tool support
- A Taxonomy of Game Engines and the Tools that Drive the Industry (MT, HE).