Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Slovenia
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Australia
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Bainbridge G.W.Paynter E.Frank S.J.Boddie D.N.Milne R.J.McNab S.J.Cunningham ∅ O.Medelyan D.M.Nichols V.Liesaputra G.Buchanan Y.Wang C.G.Nevill-Manning M.Jones J.Thompson T.C.Bell S.Jones S.Wu K.M.Ting D.L.Maulsby B.J.Krawchuk R.M.Akscyn Y.Chu K.D.Edgar C.Gutwin J.R.McPherson L.A.Smith K.J.Don C.Taube-Schock R.J.Walker I.Jaballah A.Moffat K.Y.(.Ke M.Vallabh R.Lobb K.Thomson C.L.Henderson S.McIntosh A.Mahoui M.I.Barr
Talks about:
librari (23) digit (23) collect (8) greenston (5) document (5) build (5) use (5) wikipedia (4) index (4) base (4)
Person: Ian H. Witten
DBLP: Witten:Ian_H=
Contributed to:
Wrote 51 papers:
- ASE-2011-Witten #documentation #how #representation #semantics #wiki
- Wikipedia and how to use it for semantic document representation (IHW), p. 1.
- ECOOP-2011-Taube-SchockWW #question
- Can We Avoid High Coupling? (CTS, RJW, IHW), pp. 204–228.
- ECDL-2009-BainbridgeWBT #library
- Stress-Testing General Purpose Digital Library Software (DB, IHW, SJB, JT), pp. 203–214.
- ECDL-2009-LiesaputraWB
- Searching in a Book (VL, IHW, DB), pp. 442–446.
- CIKM-2008-MilneW #learning #wiki
- Learning to link with wikipedia (DNM, IHW), pp. 509–518.
- CIKM-2007-MilneWN #knowledge-based #wiki
- A knowledge-based search engine powered by wikipedia (DNM, IHW, DMN), pp. 445–454.
- ECDL-2006-WuW #learning #library #towards
- Towards a Digital Library for Language Learning (SW, IHW), pp. 341–352.
- ECDL-2005-JaballahCW #documentation #library
- Managing Personal Documents with a Digital Library (IJ, SJC, IHW), pp. 195–206.
- ECDL-2004-BainbridgeDBWJJB #library
- Dynamic Digital Library Construction and Configuration (DB, KJD, GB, IHW, SJ, MJ, MIB), pp. 1–13.
- ECDL-2003-BainbridgeEMW #interface #library
- Managing Change in a Digital Library System with Many Interface Languages (DB, KDE, JRM, IHW), pp. 350–361.
- ECDL-2003-EdgarNPTW #evaluation
- A User Evaluation of Hierarchical Phrase Browsing (KDE, DMN, GWP, KT, IHW), pp. 313–324.
- ECDL-2002-WittenBPB #analysis #architecture #documentation #library #metadata #requirements
- Importing Documents and Metadata into Digital Libraries: Requirements Analysis and an Extensible Architecture (IHW, DB, GWP, SJB), pp. 390–405.
- ICML-2002-WangW #modelling #predict #probability
- Modeling for Optimal Probability Prediction (YW, IHW), pp. 650–657.
- ECDL-2001-BainbridgeBMJMW #distributed #framework #library #named #platform
- Greenstone: A Platform for Distributed Digital Library Applications (DB, GB, JRM, SJ, AM, IHW), pp. 137–148.
- ECDL-2001-PaynterW #documentation #scalability
- A Combined Phrase and Thesaurus Browser for Large Document Collections (GWP, IHW), pp. 25–36.
- ICML-1999-FrankW #using
- Making Better Use of Global Discretization (EF, IHW), pp. 115–123.
- ICML-1998-FrankW #generative #optimisation #set
- Generating Accurate Rule Sets Without Global Optimization (EF, IHW), pp. 144–151.
- ICML-1998-FrankW98a #mutation testing #permutation #using
- Using a Permutation Test for Attribute Selection in Decision Trees (EF, IHW), pp. 152–160.
- SIGIR-1998-McNabWWG #predict #query
- Predicting Query Times (RJM, YW, IHW, CG), pp. 355–356.
- ICML-1997-TingW #modelling
- Stacking Bagged and Dagged Models (KMT, IHW), pp. 367–375.
- CHI-1989-MaulsbyW #source code
- Inducing programs in a direct-manipulation environment (DLM, IHW), pp. 57–62.
- ML-1988-KrawchukW #on the
- On Asking the Right Questions (BJK, IHW), pp. 15–21.
- DL-1994-WittenMB #library
- Compression and Full-Text Indexing for Digital Libraries (IHW, AM, TCB), pp. 181–201.
- DL-1995-WittenCVB #library #research
- A New Zealand Digital Library for Computer Science Research (IHW, SJC, MV, TCB).
- DL-1996-McNabSWHC #library #music #retrieval #towards
- Towards the Digital Music Library: Tune Retrieval from Acoustic Input (RJM, LAS, IHW, CLH, SJC), pp. 11–18.
- DL-1997-Nevill-ManningWP #approach #library
- Browsing in Digital Libraries: A Phrase-Based Approach (CGNM, IHW, GWP), pp. 230–236.
- ADL-1998-McNabWB #architecture #distributed #library
- Distributed Digital Library Architecture Incorporating Different Index Styles (RJM, IHW, SJB), pp. 36–45.
- DL-1999-AkscynW #library
- Second Summit on International Cooperation in Digital Libraries (RMA, IHW), p. 267.
- DL-1999-BainbridgeNWSM #library #music #towards
- Towards a Digital Library of Popular Music (DB, CGNM, IHW, LAS, RJM), pp. 161–169.
- DL-1999-WittenPFGN #automation #named
- KEA: Practical Automatic Keyphrase Extraction (IHW, GWP, EF, CG, CGNM), pp. 254–255.
- DL-2000-PaynterWCB #case study #scalability
- Scalable browsing for large collections: a case study (GWP, IHW, SJC, GB), pp. 215–223.
- DL-2000-WittenBBM #library #named #open source
- Greenstone: a comprehensive open-source digital library software system (IHW, SJB, DB, RJM), pp. 113–121.
- JCDL-2001-WittenBB #library #people
- Power to the people: end-user building of digital library collections (IHW, DB, SJB), pp. 94–103.
- JCDL-2002-Witten #how #library #open source #using
- How to build a digital library using open-source software (IHW), p. 416.
- JCDL-2002-WittenB #library
- Hands-on workshop: build your own digital library collections (IHW, DB), p. 420.
- JCDL-2002-WittenBPB #architecture #plugin
- The Greenstone plugin architecture (IHW, DB, GWP, SJB), pp. 285–286.
- JCDL-2003-BainbridgeTW #library
- Assembling and Enriching Digital Library Collections (DB, JT, IHW), pp. 323–334.
- JCDL-2003-ChuWLB #how
- How to Turn the Page (YCC, IHW, RL, DB), p. 186–?.
- JCDL-2004-ChuBJW #question
- Realistic books: a bizarre homage to an obsolete medium? (YCC, DB, MJ, IHW), pp. 78–86.
- JCDL-2005-BainbridgeW #library #standard
- Practical digital library interoperability standards (DB, IHW), p. 426.
- JCDL-2005-BuchananBDW #framework #library
- A new framework for building digital library collections (GB, DB, KJD, IHW), pp. 23–31.
- JCDL-2005-WittenB #library
- Building digital library collections with Greenstone (IHW, DB), p. 425.
- JCDL-2006-BainbridgeKW #documentation
- Document level interoperability for collection creators (DB, KY(K, IHW), pp. 105–106.
- JCDL-2006-MedelyanW #consistency #using
- Measuring inter-indexer consistency using a thesaurus (OM, IHW), pp. 274–275.
- JCDL-2006-MedelyanW06a #automation
- Thesaurus based automatic keyphrase indexing (OM, IHW), pp. 296–297.
- JCDL-2007-WittenB #lessons learnt
- A retrospective look at Greenstone: lessons from the first decade (IHW, DB), pp. 147–156.
- JCDL-2008-BainbridgeJMJW #library
- Portable digital libraries on an ipod (DB, SJ, SM, MJ, IHW), pp. 333–336.
- JCDL-2008-BainbridgeW #interface
- A fedora librarian interface (DB, IHW), pp. 407–416.
- JCDL-2008-LiesaputraW #case study
- Seeking information in realistic books: a user study (VL, IHW), pp. 29–38.
- JCDL-2008-MilneNW #query
- A competitive environment for exploratory query expansion (DNM, DMN, IHW), pp. 197–200.
- JCDL-2011-MilneW #visual notation #wiki
- A link-based visual search engine for Wikipedia (DNM, IHW), pp. 223–226.