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Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Portugal
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × Taiwan
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.d.B.Costa A.P.d.Silva R.O.A.Paiva D.Dermeval H.Barros A.Silva D.Véras I.Calado J.A.Neto M.Tadeu H.P.L.Luna C.A.Malta A.Q.d.O.Filho S.Isotani P.A.Jaques D.Borges J.Santos M.C.C.Baranauskas R.Pereira J.Braga M.Silva R.S.d.Oliveira H.Gomes T.Marinho R.Ferreira L.M.Braz P.Bispo J.P.Pontes J.Castro C.T.L.L.Silva J.Pimentel P.H.d.S.Brito E.Elias T.Tenório
Talks about:
learn (4) base (4) system (3) studi (3) agent (3) case (3) web (3) framework (2) brazilian (2) environ (2)

Person: Ig Ibert Bittencourt

DBLP DBLP: Bittencourt:Ig_Ibert

Contributed to:

SAC 20152015
SAC 20142014
ICEIS v3 20132013
SAC 20132013
SAC 20112011
SAC 20102010
Post-ICEIS 20092009
SAC 20092009
SAC 20072007
ICEIS SAIC 20062006
SEKE 20062006

Wrote 12 papers:

SAC-2015-MaltaPSBF #analysis #case study #distance #information management #overview
A survey analysis on goal orientation changes in an information systems distance course: a Brazilian case study (CAM, ROAP, APdS, IIB, AQdOF), pp. 227–232.
SAC-2015-PaivaBSIJ #behaviour #learning #recommendation #student
Improving pedagogical recommendations by classifying students according to their interactional behavior in a gamified learning environment (ROAP, IIB, APdS, SI, PAJ), pp. 233–238.
SAC-2014-PaivaBSBS #case study #lessons learnt #online
Lessons learned from an online open course: a Brazilian case study (ROAP, DB, JS, IIB, APdS), pp. 229–234.
ICEIS-v3-2013-BittencourtBDPB #adaptation #multi #user interface
Exploring Twofold Adaptability to the User Interface — Different Users and Multiple Devices (IIB, MCCB, DD, RP, JB), pp. 38–45.
SAC-2013-DermevalCSPBBETS #architecture #design #metamodelling #on the #requirements #using
On the use of metamodeling for relating requirements and architectural design decisions (DD, JC, CTLLS, JP, IIB, PHdSB, EE, TT, APdS), pp. 1278–1283.
SAC-2011-VerasBBSC #education #framework #personalisation #platform #web
A solution for personalized t-learning applications integrated with a web educational platform (DV, IIB, HB, MS, EdBC), pp. 1187–1193.
SAC-2010-MarinhoCDFBBL #data mining #education #framework #mining #ontology
An ontology-based software framework to provide educational data mining (TM, EdBC, DD, RF, LMB, IIB, HPLL), pp. 1433–1437.
ICEIS-J-2009-BittencourtBCPVDL #modelling #semantics #web
Modeling JADE Agents from GAIA Methodology under the Perspective of Semantic Web (IIB, PB, EdBC, JPP, DV, DD, HPLL), pp. 780–789.
SAC-2009-CaladoBB #approach #automation #composition #metric #semantics #similarity #web #web service
An approach for semantic web services automatic discovery and composition with similarity metrics (IC, HB, IIB), pp. 694–695.
SAC-2007-SilvaNI #automation #case study
A computation environment for automated negotiation: a case study in electronic tourism (AS, JAN, IIB), pp. 654–658.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-OliveiraGSBC #adaptation #automation #framework #learning #multi
A Multi-Agent Based Framework for Supporting Learning in Adaptive Automated Negotiation (RSdO, HG, AS, IIB, EdBC), pp. 153–158.
SEKE-2006-BittencourtTC #rule-based
Rule-Based Systems Combining AI Techniques into a Legal Agent-based Intelligent Tutoring System (IIB, MT, EdBC), pp. 35–40.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.