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Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
2 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.C.Soria J.Á.Carsí I.Ramos J.Garbajosa J.Díaz N.Ali E.Navarro B.Magro A.L.Wolf P.P.Alarcón P.Letelier M.Llavador J.H.C.Cerdá
Talks about:
architectur (11) softwar (9) aspect (8) orient (6) dynam (4) compon (3) use (3) reconfigur (2) product (2) line (2)

Person: Jennifer Pérez

DBLP DBLP: P=eacute=rez:Jennifer

Facilitated 1 volumes:

ECSA 2018Ed

Contributed to:

ECSA 20112011
ECSA 20102010
CSMR 20092009
ITiCSE 20092009
WICSA/ECSA 20092009
ECSA 20082008
SPLC 20082008
CBSE 20072007
ECSA 20072007
CBSE 20062006
SAC 20062006
WICSA 20052005
RE 20032003

Wrote 14 papers:

ECSA-2011-DiazPGW #architecture #impact analysis #product line
Change Impact Analysis in Product-Line Architectures (JD, JP, JG, ALW), pp. 114–129.
ECSA-2010-PerezDGA #agile #architecture #flexibility #using
Flexible Working Architectures: Agile Architecting Using PPCs (JP, JD, JG, PPA), pp. 102–117.
CSMR-2009-SoriaPC09a #architecture #aspect-oriented #configuration management #using
Handling the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Architectures Using Aspects (CCS, JP, JÁC), pp. 263–266.
ITiCSE-2009-SoriaP #architecture #aspect-oriented #development #education #open source #using
Teaching software architectures and aspect-oriented software development using open-source projects (CCS, JP), p. 385.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-PerezDSG #architecture #component #variability
Plastic Partial Components: A solution to support variability in architectural components (JP, JD, CCS, JG), pp. 221–230.
ECSA-2008-SoriaPC #architecture #evolution
Managing Dynamic Evolution of Architectural Types (CCS, JP, JÁC), pp. 281–289.
SPLC-2008-MagroGP #product line #validation
A Software Product Line Definition for Validation Environments (BM, JG, JP), pp. 45–54.
CBSE-2007-SoriaPC #adaptation #aspect-oriented #component
Dynamic Adaptation of Aspect-Oriented Components (CCS, JP, JÁC), pp. 49–65.
ECSA-2007-SoriaAPCR #architecture #aspect-oriented #configuration management
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Architectures Through Aspects (CCS, NA, JP, JÁC, IR), pp. 279–283.
CBSE-2006-PerezACR #architecture #aspect-oriented #design
Designing Software Architectures with an Aspect-Oriented Architecture Description Language (JP, NA, JÁC, IR), pp. 123–138.
SAC-2006-PerezNLR #aspect-oriented #modelling #visual notation
Graphical modelling for aspect oriented SA (JP, EN, PL, IR), pp. 1597–1598.
WICSA-2005-AliPRC #aspect-oriented #calculus #mobile
Introducing Ambient Calculus in Mobile Aspect-Oriented Software (NA, JP, IR, JÁC), pp. 233–234.
WICSA-2005-PerezLCCR #approach #architecture #aspect-oriented #coordination
Coordination in Software Architectures: an Aspect-Oriented Approach (JP, ML, JÁC, JHCC, IR), pp. 219–220.
RE-2003-NavarroRP #architecture #requirements
Software Requirements for Architectured Systems (EN, IR, JP), pp. 365–366.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.