Collaborated with:
L.Roque Licínio G. Roque Rui Craveirinha
Talks about:
design (3) game (3) particip (2) understand (1) videogam (1) perspect (1) guidelin (1) medium (1) forest (1) center (1)
Person: Luís Lucas Pereira
DBLP: Pereira:Lu=iacute=s_Lucas
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DiGRA-2009-PereiraR #design #game studies #guidelines #learning
- Design Guidelines for Learning Games: the Living Forest Game Design Case (LLP, LGR).
- DiGRA-2013-PereiraR #comprehension #game studies
- Understanding the Videogame Medium through Perspectives of Participation (LLP, LR).
- CHI-PLAY-2019-PereiraCR #design #game studies
- A Canvas for Participation-Centered Game Design (LLP, RC, LR), pp. 521–532.