Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Russia
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Zhang Y.Jiang X.Song J.Sun F.He H.Liu W.N.N.Hung F.Wu J.Sun H.Zhang M.Zhou B.Wang Y.Yang H.Kong H.Zha X.He C.H.Q.Ding H.D.Simon Z.Li Y.Deng X.Zhao C.Sun
Talks about:
system (7) model (3) embed (3) design (2) multi (2) clock (2) time (2) base (2) stateflow (1) heterogen (1)
Person: Ming Gu
DBLP: Gu:Ming
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- FSE-2014-JiangZZZLSSGS #embedded #modelling #multi #named #synthesis #tool support #validation
- Tsmart-GalsBlock: a toolkit for modeling, validation, and synthesis of multi-clocked embedded systems (YJ, HZ, HZ, XZ, HL, CS, XS, MG, JGS), pp. 711–714.
- CAV-2013-KongHSHG #generative #hybrid #safety #verification
- Exponential-Condition-Based Barrier Certificate Generation for Safety Verification of Hybrid Systems (HK, FH, XS, WNNH, MG), pp. 242–257.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-JiangLZDSGS #design #embedded #multi #optimisation #using
- Design and optimization of multi-clocked embedded systems using formal technique (YJ, ZL, HZ, YD, XS, MG, JS), pp. 703–706.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-JiangZLSHGS #analysis #reliability #runtime
- System reliability calculation based on the run-time analysis of ladder program (YJ, HZ, HL, XS, WNNH, MG, JS), pp. 695–698.
- SEKE-2013-WuZG #named #requirements
- DOPROPC: a domain property pattern system helping to specify control system requirements (FW, HZ, MG), pp. 695–698.
- CAV-2010-ZhouHWG #array #bound #on the
- On Array Theory of Bounded Elements (MZ, FH, BYW, MG), pp. 570–584.
- CIKM-2001-ZhaHDGS #clustering #graph
- Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering (HZ, XH, CHQD, MG, HDS), pp. 25–32.
- ASE-2016-YangJGS #approach #automaton #verification
- Verifying simulink stateflow model: timed automata approach (YY, YJ, MG, JGS), pp. 852–857.
- ASE-2016-ZhangJLZGS #design #embedded #modelling
- Model driven design of heterogeneous synchronous embedded systems (HZ, YJ, HL, HZ, MG, JGS), pp. 774–779.