Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Singapore
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
13 × USA
2 × Canada
3 × China
Collaborated with:
K.Zhou C.L.Giles S.Yang Z.Zheng X.Ji H.Han Y.Chang D.Zhou G.Sun C.H.Q.Ding X.He H.Fu Z.Zhang E.Manavoglu G.Xue ∅ B.Sun J.Yen A.J.Smola B.Long H.D.Simon L.Li H.Deng A.Dong K.Tsioutsiouliklis L.Song X.Li S.P.Crain J.Huang J.Li Z.Kou M.Wu Y.Yu K.Chen X.Yang J.L.Barlow W.Xu J.H.Park R.Kasturi P.Mitra P.Husbands M.Gu C.Li R.A.Baeza-Yates X.Zhang E.A.Fox J.Bai B.L.Tseng S.Ji C.Liao O.Chapelle
Talks about:
learn (12) rank (9) cluster (7) use (7) function (5) queri (5) base (5) document (4) process (4) author (4)
Person: Hongyuan Zha
DBLP: Zha:Hongyuan
Contributed to:
Wrote 39 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-LiDDCZB #behaviour #markov #process #query
- Analyzing User’s Sequential Behavior in Query Auto-Completion via Markov Processes (LL, HD, AD, YC, HZ, RABY), pp. 123–132.
- KDD-2014-LiDDCZ #identification #process
- Identifying and labeling search tasks via query-based hawkes processes (LL, HD, AD, YC, HZ), pp. 731–740.
- ICML-c2-2013-YangZ #process
- Mixture of Mutually Exciting Processes for Viral Diffusion (SHY, HZ), pp. 1–9.
- ICML-c3-2013-ZhouZS #kernel #learning #multi #process
- Learning Triggering Kernels for Multi-dimensional Hawkes Processes (KZ, HZ, LS), pp. 1301–1309.
- CIKM-2012-ZhouLZ12a #collaboration #query #ranking
- Collaborative ranking: improving the relevance for tail queries (KZ, XL, HZ), pp. 1900–1904.
- KDD-2012-ZhouZ #collaboration #learning
- Learning binary codes for collaborative filtering (KZ, HZ), pp. 498–506.
- SIGIR-2012-YangSLZC #network #predict #social
- Friend or frenemy?: predicting signed ties in social networks (SHY, AJS, BL, HZ, YC), pp. 555–564.
- SIGIR-2011-YangLSZZ #collaboration #learning #recommendation #using
- Collaborative competitive filtering: learning recommender using context of user choice (SHY, BL, AJS, HZ, ZZ), pp. 295–304.
- SIGIR-2011-ZhouYZ #functional #matrix #recommendation
- Functional matrix factorizations for cold-start recommendation (KZ, SHY, HZ), pp. 315–324.
- CIKM-2010-KouCZZ #learning #ranking
- Learning to blend rankings: a monotonic transformation to blend rankings from heterogeneous domains (ZK, YC, ZZ, HZ), pp. 1921–1924.
- CIKM-2010-YangZ #analysis #multi
- Language pyramid and multi-scale text analysis (SHY, HZ), pp. 639–648.
- CIKM-2009-BaiZXZSTZC #learning #multi #rank #web
- Multi-task learning for learning to rank in web search (JB, KZ, GRX, HZ, GS, BLT, ZZ, YC), pp. 1549–1552.
- CIKM-2009-WuCZZ #approach #definite clause grammar #learning #novel #rank #using
- Smoothing DCG for learning to rank: a novel approach using smoothed hinge functions (MW, YC, ZZ, HZ), pp. 1923–1926.
- SIGIR-2009-JiZLZXCSZ #ranking
- Global ranking by exploiting user clicks (SJ, KZ, CL, ZZ, GRX, OC, GS, HZ), pp. 35–42.
- SIGIR-2008-CrainHZ #classification #scalability
- A scalable assistant librarian: hierarchical subject classification of books (SPC, JH, HZ), pp. 799–800.
- SIGIR-2008-ZhouXZY #learning #rank
- Learning to rank with ties (KZ, GRX, HZ, YY), pp. 275–282.
- SIGIR-2007-SunMGYZ #detection #documentation #multi #segmentation #topic
- Topic segmentation with shared topic detection and alignment of multiple documents (BS, PM, CLG, JY, HZ), pp. 199–206.
- SIGIR-2007-ZhengCSZ #framework #learning #ranking #using
- A regression framework for learning ranking functions using relative relevance judgments (ZZ, KC, GS, HZ), pp. 287–294.
- CIKM-2006-SunZZY #multi #segmentation
- Multi-task text segmentation and alignment based on weighted mutual information (BS, DZ, HZ, JY), pp. 846–847.
- CIKM-2006-ZhaZFS #difference #learning #query #retrieval #web
- Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in world wide web search (HZ, ZZ, HF, GS), pp. 307–316.
- CIKM-2006-ZhouJZG #evolution #how #interactive #research #social #topic
- Topic evolution and social interactions: how authors effect research (DZ, XJ, HZ, CLG), pp. 248–257.
- ICML-2006-DingZHZ #analysis #component #invariant #named #robust
- R1-PCA: rotational invariant L1-norm principal component analysis for robust subspace factorization (CHQD, DZ, XH, HZ), pp. 281–288.
- ICML-2006-YangFZB #reduction
- Semi-supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction (XY, HF, HZ, JLB), pp. 1065–1072.
- SIGIR-2006-ZhaZFS #difference #information retrieval #learning #query
- Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in information retrieval (HZ, ZZ, HF, GS), pp. 721–722.
- ICML-2005-ZhouLZ #clustering #distance #metric
- A new Mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings (DZ, JL, HZ), pp. 1028–1035.
- SAC-2005-HanMZTGZ #clustering #documentation #metadata #rule-based #word
- Rule-based word clustering for document metadata extraction (HH, EM, HZ, KT, CLG, XZ), pp. 1049–1053.
- SAC-2005-HanXZG #ambiguity #naive bayes
- A hierarchical naive Bayes mixture model for name disambiguation in author citations (HH, WX, HZ, CLG), pp. 1065–1069.
- ICPR-v4-2004-ParkJZK #clustering #graph
- Support Vector Clustering Combined with Spectral Graph Partitioning (JHP, XJ, HZ, RK), pp. 581–584.
- ICML-2003-ZhaZ
- Isometric Embedding and Continuum ISOMAP (HZ, ZZ), pp. 864–871.
- SIGIR-2003-HanMGZ #classification #clustering #rule-based #word
- Rule-based word clustering for text classification (HH, EM, CLG, HZ), pp. 445–446.
- SIGIR-2003-JiZ #independence #programming #segmentation #using
- Domain-independent text segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and dynamic programming (XJ, HZ), pp. 322–329.
- SIGIR-2002-DingHHZS #analysis #framework #rank
- PageRank, HITS and a unified framework for link analysis (CHQD, XH, PH, HZ, HDS), pp. 353–354.
- SIGIR-2002-Zha #clustering #summary #using
- Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering (HZ), pp. 113–120.
- SIGIR-2002-ZhaJ #correlation #documentation #graph #modelling #multi
- Correlating multilingual documents via bipartite graph modeling (HZ, XJ), pp. 443–444.
- CIKM-2001-ZhaHDGS #clustering #graph
- Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering (HZ, XH, CHQD, MG, HDS), pp. 25–32.
- KDD-2001-DingHZ #component #graph #web
- A spectral method to separate disconnected and nearly-disconnected web graph components (CHQD, XH, HZ), pp. 275–280.
- JCDL-2003-HanGMZZF #automation #documentation #metadata #using
- Automatic Document Metadata Extraction Using Support Vector Machines (HH, CLG, EM, HZ, ZZ, EAF), pp. 37–48.
- JCDL-2004-HanGZLT #ambiguity #learning
- Two supervised learning approaches for name disambiguation in author citations (HH, CLG, HZ, CL, KT), pp. 296–305.
- JCDL-2005-HanZG #ambiguity #clustering #using
- Name disambiguation in author citations using a K-way spectral clustering method (HH, HZ, CLG), pp. 334–343.