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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Czech Republic
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Signoles A.Giorgetti J.Julliand O.Chebaro S.Bardin M.Delahaye N.Williams J.Léchenet P.L.Gall V.Prevosto G.Petiot B.Botella A.Jakobsson F.Cheynier M.Lemerre C.Alec J.Couchot M.Roger P.Dubrulle C.Gaston A.Lapitre S.Louise P.Cuoq F.Kirchner B.Yakobowski R.David M.Papadakis Y.L.Traon J.Marion
Talks about:
test (9) program (7) analysi (5) generat (4) static (4) verif (4) structur (3) tutori (3) combin (3) slice (3)

Person: Nikolai Kosmatov

DBLP DBLP: Kosmatov:Nikolai

Facilitated 1 volumes:

TAP 2015Ed

Contributed to:

ICST 20152015
SAC 20152015
ICST 20142014
SCAM 20142014
TAP 20142014
SAC 20132013
TAP 20132013
SAC 20122012
SEFM 20122012
TAP 20122012
TAP 20112011
TAP 20102010
SAC 20062006
ASE 20052005
FASE 20162016
FASE 20182018
FASE 20192019

Wrote 21 papers:

ICST-2015-BardinDDKPTM #detection #requirements
Sound and Quasi-Complete Detection of Infeasible Test Requirements (SB, MD, RD, NK, MP, YLT, JYM), pp. 1–10.
SAC-2015-JakobssonKS #c #hybrid #memory management #monitoring #performance
Fast as a shadow, expressive as a tree: hybrid memory monitoring for C (AJ, NK, JS), pp. 1765–1772.
ICST-2014-BardinKC #execution #performance #symbolic computation #test coverage
Efficient Leveraging of Symbolic Execution to Advanced Coverage Criteria (SB, NK, FC), pp. 173–182.
SCAM-2014-PetiotBJKS #c #generative #source code #testing
Instrumentation of Annotated C Programs for Test Generation (GP, BB, JJ, NK, JS), pp. 105–114.
TAP-2014-BardinCDK #automation #testing #tool support
An All-in-One Toolkit for Automated White-Box Testing (SB, OC, MD, NK), pp. 53–60.
TAP-2014-KosmatovLA #case study #proving #testing #verification
A Case Study on Verification of a Cloud Hypervisor by Proof and Structural Testing (NK, ML, CA), pp. 158–164.
TAP-2014-KosmatovS #analysis #runtime #tutorial
Runtime Assertion Checking and Its Combinations with Static and Dynamic Analyses — Tutorial Synopsis (NK, JS), pp. 165–168.
TAP-2014-PetiotKGJ #deduction #generative #how #specification #testing #verification
How Test Generation Helps Software Specification and Deductive Verification in Frama-C (GP, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 204–211.
SAC-2013-DelahayeKS #c #dynamic analysis #source code #specification
Common specification language for static and dynamic analysis of C programs (MD, NK, JS), pp. 1230–1235.
TAP-2013-KosmatovPS #proving #source code #tutorial
A Lesson on Proof of Programs with Frama-C. Invited Tutorial Paper (NK, VP, JS), pp. 168–177.
SAC-2012-ChebaroKGJ #dynamic analysis #slicing #verification
Program slicing enhances a verification technique combining static and dynamic analysis (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 1284–1291.
SEFM-2012-CuoqKKPSY #analysis #named #perspective
Frama-C — A Software Analysis Perspective (PC, FK, NK, VP, JS, BY), pp. 233–247.
TAP-2012-KosmatovW #automation #testing #tutorial
Tutorial on Automated Structural Testing with PathCrawler — (NK, NW), p. 176.
TAP-2012-KosmatovWBRC #testing
A Lesson on Structural Testing with (NK, NW, BB, MR, OC), pp. 169–175.
TAP-2011-ChebaroKGJ #analysis #c #debugging #generative #slicing #testing
The SANTE Tool: Value Analysis, Program Slicing and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 78–83.
TAP-2010-ChebaroKGJ #c #debugging #generative #static analysis #testing
Combining Static Analysis and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 94–100.
SAC-2006-Kosmatov #constraints #sequence #theorem proving
A constraint solver for sequences and its applications (NK), pp. 404–408.
ASE-2005-CouchotGK #approach #deduction #protocol #safety
A uniform deductive approach for parameterized protocol safety (JFC, AG, NK), pp. 364–367.
FASE-2016-LechenetKG #branch #debugging #slicing #verification
Cut Branches Before Looking for Bugs: Sound Verification on Relaxed Slices (JCL, NK, PLG), pp. 179–196.
FASE-2018-LechenetKG #dependence #performance
Fast Computation of Arbitrary Control Dependencies (JCL, NK, PLG), pp. 207–224.
FASE-2019-DubrulleGKLL #data flow
A Data Flow Model with Frequency Arithmetic (PD, CG, NK, AL, SL), pp. 369–385.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.