Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ M.Líska R.Hatlapatka
Talks about:
pdf (4) use (3) document (2) recompress (1) javascript (1) mathemat (1) interact (1) retriev (1) multipl (1) librari (1)
Person: Petr Sojka
DBLP: Sojka:Petr
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DocEng-2011-SojkaL #retrieval
- The art of mathematics retrieval (PS, ML), pp. 57–60.
- DocEng-2010-SojkaH #documentation #library #optimisation #using
- Document engineering for a digital library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimizations of PDF documents (PS, RH), pp. 3–12.
- ITiCSE-2003-Sojka #animation
- Animations in PDF (PS), p. 263.
- ITiCSE-2003-Sojka03a #agile #evaluation #multi #testing #tex #using
- Rapid evaluation using multiple choice tests and TeX (PS), p. 265.
- ITiCSE-2003-Sojka03b #education #interactive #javascript #using
- Interactive teaching materials in PDF using JavaScript (PS), p. 275.