Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.B.K.Vrudhula S.Bhardwaj R.Panda Y.Cao J.M.Wang
Talks about:
analysi (3) variat (3) stochast (2) process (2) consid (2) power (2) intra (2) grid (2) die (2) circuit (1)
Person: Praveen Ghanta
DBLP: Ghanta:Praveen
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2006-BhardwajVGC #analysis #modelling #optimisation #process
- Modeling of intra-die process variations for accurate analysis and optimization of nano-scale circuits (SB, SBKV, PG, YC), pp. 791–796.
- DAC-2006-GhantaVBP #analysis #correlation #power management #probability #scalability
- Stochastic variational analysis of large power grids considering intra-die correlations (PG, SBKV, SB, RP), pp. 211–216.
- DATE-2005-GhantaVPW #analysis #grid #power management #probability #process
- Stochastic Power Grid Analysis Considering Process Variations (PG, SBKV, RP, JMW), pp. 964–969.