Collaborated with:
J.Miller R.Friedman B.Lunt L.M.Powell F.E.Uzoka M.Schroeder N.Khemka
Talks about:
comput (3) understand (2) disciplin (2) longitudin (1) submiss (1) student (1) toward (1) examin (1) differ (1) confer (1)
Person: Randy Connolly
DBLP: Connolly:Randy
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGITE-2015-ConnollyLMP #comprehension #towards
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Different Computing Disciplines (RC, BL, JM, LMP), pp. 55–56.
- SIGITE-2014-ConnollyMF
- A longitudinal examination of SIGITE conference submission data, 2007-2012 (RC, JM, RF), pp. 167–172.
- SIGITE-2013-UzokaCSKM #comprehension #student
- Computing is not a rock band: student understanding of the computing disciplines (FMEU, RC, MS, NK, JM), pp. 115–120.