Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Sweden
2 × Czech Republic
2 × Germany
3 × France
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Fleurquin C.Tibermacine H.A.Sahraoui V.L.Gloahec A.Seriai M.T.T.That F.Oquendo C.Dony L.Fabresse S.Allier A.Beugnard G.Koscielny B.George R.Kadri F.Merciol H.Mili H.Mcheick M.L.Kerdoudi S.Hamza I.Borne K.Hassam S.Vaucher S.Sakhraoui
Talks about:
architectur (11) compon (10) softwar (7) orient (7) applic (5) constraint (4) object (4) evolut (4) base (4) distribut (3)
♂ Person: Salah Sadou
DBLP: Sadou:Salah
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- ECSA-2014-SeriaiSS #component #object-oriented
- Enactment of Components Extracted from an Object-Oriented Application (AS, SS, HAS), pp. 234–249.
- WICSA-2014-SeriaiSSH #component #interface #legacy
- Deriving Component Interfaces after a Restructuring of a Legacy System (AS, SS, HAS, SH), pp. 31–40.
- ECSA-2013-ThatSOB #design pattern
- Composition-Centered Architectural Pattern Description Language (MTTT, SS, FO, IB), pp. 1–16.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-ThatSO #design pattern #using
- Using Architectural Patterns to Define Architectural Decisions (MTTT, SS, FO), pp. 196–200.
- CBSE-2011-TibermacineSDF #architecture #component #constraints #specification
- Component-based specification of software architecture constraints (CT, SS, CD, LF), pp. 31–40.
- CSMR-2011-HassamSGF #adaptation #constraints #evolution #metamodelling #ocl
- Assistance System for OCL Constraints Adaptation during Metamodel Evolution (KH, SS, VLG, RF), pp. 151–160.
- WICSA-2011-AllierSSF #architecture #component #object-oriented
- From Object-Oriented Applications to Component-Oriented Applications via Component-Oriented Architecture (SA, SS, HAS, RF), pp. 214–223.
- CBSE-2010-AllierSSV #component #consistency #execution #object-oriented #using
- Restructuring Object-Oriented Applications into Component-Oriented Applications by Using Consistency with Execution Traces (SA, HAS, SS, SV), pp. 216–231.
- ECSA-2010-TibermacineDSF #architecture #composition #constraints #reuse
- Software Architecture Constraints as Customizable, Reusable and Composable Entities (CT, CD, SS, LF), pp. 505–509.
- QoSA-2010-GloahecFS #architecture
- Good Architecture = Good (ADL + Practices) (VLG, RF, SS), pp. 167–182.
- SEKE-2010-TibermacineSGFS #automation #evolution #towards
- Towards an Automation of Software Evolution Good Practices (CT, SS, VLG, RF, SS), pp. 339–344.
- CBSE-2008-GeorgeFS #component #framework #library #off the shelf
- A Component Selection Framework for COTS Libraries (BG, RF, SS), pp. 286–301.
- CBSE-2006-KadriMS #case study #enterprise #experience
- CBSE in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise: Experience Report (RK, FM, SS), pp. 154–165.
- CBSE-2006-TibermacineFS #component #evolution #on-demand
- On-Demand Quality-Oriented Assistance in Component-Based Software Evolution (CT, RF, SS), pp. 294–309.
- SAC-2006-TibermacineFS #architecture #constraints
- Simplifying transformation of software architecture constraints (CT, RF, SS), pp. 1240–1244.
- SAC-OOPS-J-2006-BeugnardS07 #encapsulation
- Method Overloading and Overriding Cause Distribution Transparency and Encapsulation Flaws (AB, SS), pp. 31–45.
- ASE-2005-TibermacineFS #architecture #component #evolution
- NFRs-aware architectural evolution of component-based software (CT, RF, SS), pp. 388–391.
- WICSA-2005-TibermacineFS #architecture #component #development #process
- Preserving Architectural Choices throughout the Component-based Software Development Process (CT, RF, SS), pp. 121–130.
- TOOLS-USA-2002-MiliMS #aspect-oriented #functional #named
- CorbaViews: Distributing objects that support several functional aspects (HM, HM, SS), pp. 207–229.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-KoscielnyS #distributed #reuse #using
- Dynamic Reuse of Services in Distributed Systems (GK, SS), pp. 305–318.
- ECSA-2018-KerdoudiTS #architecture #case study
- Spotlighting Use Case Specific Architectures (MLK, CT, SS), pp. 236–244.