Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Tsioutsiouliklis J.Jain ∅ F.Angiolini S.Carta L.Raffo D.Bertozzi G.D.Micheli
Talks about:
network (2) synthesi (1) implicit (1) reorder (1) manipul (1) librari (1) diagram (1) dataset (1) permut (1) orient (1)
Person: Stergios Stergiou
DBLP: Stergiou:Stergios
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KDD-2015-StergiouT #set #web
- Set Cover at Web Scale (SS, KT), pp. 1125–1133.
- DATE-2013-StergiouJ #dataset #optimisation
- Optimizing BDDs for time-series dataset manipulation (SS, JJ), pp. 1018–1021.
- DAC-2011-Stergiou #diagrams #network #order #permutation
- Implicit permutation enumeration networks and binary decision diagrams reordering (SS), pp. 615–620.
- DATE-2005-StergiouACRBM #abstract syntax tree #design #library #network #pipes and filters #synthesis
- ast pipes Lite: A Synthesis Oriented Design Library For Networks on Chips (SS, FA, SC, LR, DB, GDM), pp. 1188–1193.