Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.M.Brooks Y.Zhu G.Wei M.D.Smith G.H.Holloway M.S.Gupta Yuhao Zhu 0001 J.Leng Y.Zu M.Halpern S.Campanoni D.Connors R.Cohn P.Bailis S.Gandhi M.I.Seltzer T.Moseley A.Shye D.Grunwald R.Peri T.M.Jones C.Luk R.S.Cohn R.Muth H.Patil A.Klauser P.G.Lowney S.Wallace K.M.Hazelwood
Talks about:
voltag (4) web (4) energi (3) effici (3) mobil (3) nois (3) instrument (2) processor (2) parallel (2) softwar (2)
Person: Vijay Janapa Reddi
DBLP: Reddi:Vijay_Janapa
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- HPCA-2015-LengZR #architecture #gpu
- GPU voltage noise: Characterization and hierarchical smoothing of spatial and temporal voltage noise interference in GPU architectures (JL, YZ, VJR), pp. 161–173.
- HPCA-2015-ZhuHR #energy #mobile #scheduling #web
- Event-based scheduling for energy-efficient QoS (eQoS) in mobile Web applications (YZ, MH, VJR), pp. 137–149.
- HPCA-2013-ZhuR #energy #mobile #web
- High-performance and energy-efficient mobile web browsing on big/little systems (YZ, VJR), pp. 13–24.
- CGO-2012-CampanoniJHRWB #automation #named #parallel #source code
- HELIX: automatic parallelization of irregular programs for chip multiprocessing (SC, TMJ, GHH, VJR, GYW, DMB), pp. 84–93.
- DAC-2011-BailisRGBS #injection #named
- Dimetrodon: processor-level preventive thermal management via idle cycle injection (PB, VJR, SG, DMB, MIS), pp. 89–94.
- DAC-2009-ReddiGSWBC #challenge #hardware #reliability #stack
- Software-assisted hardware reliability: abstracting circuit-level challenges to the software stack (VJR, SC, MSG, MDS, GYW, DMB), pp. 788–793.
- DATE-2009-GuptaRHWB #approach
- An event-guided approach to reducing voltage noise in processors (MSG, VJR, GHH, GYW, DMB), pp. 160–165.
- HPCA-2009-ReddiGHWSB #predict #using
- Voltage emergency prediction: Using signatures to reduce operating margins (VJR, MSG, GHH, GYW, MDS, DMB), pp. 18–29.
- CGO-2007-MoseleySRGP #parallel #profiling
- Shadow Profiling: Hiding Instrumentation Costs with Parallelism (TM, AS, VJR, DG, RP), pp. 198–208.
- CGO-2007-ReddiCCS #persistent #reuse
- Persistent Code Caching: Exploiting Code Reuse Across Executions and Applications (VJR, DC, RC, MDS), pp. 74–88.
- PLDI-2005-LukCMPKLWRH #named #program analysis #tool support
- Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation (CKL, RSC, RM, HP, AK, PGL, SW, VJR, KMH), pp. 190–200.
- PLDI-2016-ZhuR #energy #mobile #named #web
- GreenWeb: language extensions for energy-efficient mobile web computing (YZ0, VJR), pp. 145–160.