Tag #as a service
76 papers:
ESEC-FSE-2019-NguyenSCMBL #multitenancy #using- Using microservices for non-intrusive customization of multi-tenant SaaS (PHN, HS, FC, RM, SB, EL), pp. 905–915.
ESEC-FSE-2019-TundoMORGM #framework #modelling #named- VARYS: an agnostic model-driven monitoring-as-a-service framework for the cloud (AT, MM, MO, OR, MG, LM), pp. 1085–1089.
ECSA-2018-ChangS #mobile #using- Providing Context as a Service Using Service-Oriented Mobile Indie Fog and Opportunistic Computing (CC, SNS), pp. 219–235.
ICML-2018-SanyalKGK #named #predict- TAPAS: Tricks to Accelerate (encrypted) Prediction As a Service (AS, MJK, AG, VK), pp. 4497–4506.
ESEC-FSE-2018-ShermanD #re-engineering- Software engineering collaboratories (SEClabs) and collaboratories as a service (CaaS) (ES, RD0), pp. 760–764.
CASE-2018-LiDMOTG #robust- Dex-Net as a Service (DNaaS): A Cloud-Based Robust Robot Grasp Planning System (PL, BD, JM, JAO, AKT, KG), pp. 1420–1427.
ICSA-2017-GesvindrBG #design #evaluation #prototype #quality #using- Quality Evaluation of PaaS Cloud Application Design Using Generated Prototypes (DG, BB, OG), pp. 31–40.
ASE-2017-GrigeraGR #named #usability #web- Kobold: web usability as a service (JG, AG, GR), pp. 990–995.
CASE-2017-BaltaJLTBM #framework- Production as a service: A centralized framework for small batch manufacturing (ECB, KJ, YL, DMT, KB, ZMM), pp. 382–389.
ECSA-2016-AgrawalP #framework #towards- Towards a Framework for Building SaaS Applications Operating in Diverse and Dynamic Environments (AA, TVP), pp. 291–306.
QoSA-2016-LehrigB #case study #modelling #performance #using- Using Performance Models for Planning the Redeployment to Infrastructure-as-a-Service Environments: A Case Study (SL, SB0), pp. 11–20.
WICSA-2016-GesvindrB #architecture #design #performance- Architectural Tactics for the Design of Efficient PaaS Cloud Applications (DG, BB), pp. 158–167.
ASE-2016-ChengCYW #named #testing #user interface- GUICat: GUI testing as a service (LC, JC, ZY, CW), pp. 858–863.
QoSA-2015-XuWXZB #data analysis #realtime- Making Real Time Data Analytics Available as a Service (DX, DW, XX, LZ, LB), pp. 73–82.
SIGMOD-2015-WongHFXL #approach #database #named #parallel #using- Thrifty: Offering Parallel Database as a Service using the Shared-Process Approach (PW, ZH, ZF, WX, EL), pp. 1063–1068.
VLDB-2015-NarasayyaMSLSC #memory management #multitenancy #relational- Sharing Buffer Pool Memory in Multi-Tenant Relational Database-as-a-Service (VRN, IM, MS, FL, MS, SC), pp. 726–737.
ICEIS-v2-2015-KriouileMA #configuration management #towards- Towards a High Configurable SaaS — To Deploy and Bind Auser-aware Tenancy of the SaaS (HK, ZM, BEA), pp. 674–679.
ICEIS-v3-2015-MachadoMSA #cost analysis- Costing as a Service (AM, CM, MMdS, JA), pp. 173–181.
SPLC-2015-LanduytWJ #middleware #multitenancy #research #roadmap #variability- Variability middleware for multi-tenant SaaS applications: a research roadmap for service lines (DVL, SW, WJ), pp. 211–215.
SPLC-2015-PatelS #automation #testing #using #variability- Automated testing of software-as-a-service configurations using a variability language (SP, VS), pp. 253–262.
SAC-2015-AgrawalP #named #quality- AutoQA: quality attributes as a service in cloud (AA, TVP), pp. 1464–1467.
SAC-2015-AmaralTMH #framework #internet #middleware #platform- Cooperative middleware platform as a service for internet of things applications (LAA, RTT, EdM, FH), pp. 488–493.
SAC-2015-DecatBLJ #data access #middleware #multitenancy #named #performance- Amusa: middleware for efficient access control management of multi-tenant SaaS applications (MD, JB, BL, WJ), pp. 2141–2148.
SAC-2015-MukherjeeKCDCM #design #framework #performance #platform #scalability- Performance characterization and scalable design of sensing-as-a-service platform (TM, AK, DC, KD, AC, AM), pp. 592–595.
SAC-2015-VianaTVAGA #architecture #platform- A service-oriented architecture for billing resources in IaaS cloud platforms (NPV, FT, RV, RMCA, VCG, REA), pp. 1719–1721.
HPDC-2015-ZhouHCL #declarative #optimisation #resource management #workflow- A Declarative Optimization Engine for Resource Provisioning of Scientific Workflows in IaaS Clouds (ACZ, BH, XC, CTL), pp. 223–234.
PDP-2015-ManciniMMMT #named #verification- SyLVaaS: System Level Formal Verification as a Service (TM, FM, AM, IM, ET), pp. 476–483.
PDP-2015-VieiraBM #scheduling- A Scheduling Strategy Based on Redundancy of Service Requests on IaaS Providers (CCAV, LFB, ERMM), pp. 497–504.
ECSA-2014-XiongFPM #architecture #cost analysis #performance #platform #scalability- Scalable Architectures for Platform-as-a-Service Clouds: Performance and Cost Analysis (HX, FF, CP, NM), pp. 226–233.
WICSA-2014-ChauhanB #architecture #development #tool support #towards- Towards a Reference Architecture to Provision Tools as a Service for Global Software Development (MAC, MAB), pp. 167–170.
EDOC-2014-WitternLBB #independence- Feature-Based Configuration of Vendor-Independent Deployments on IaaS (EW, AL, SB, TB), pp. 128–135.
ICEIS-v2-2014-GamaL #ecosystem #open data #towards- Towards Ecosystems based on Open Data as a Service (KG, BFL), pp. 659–664.
ICEIS-v2-2014-GarciaP #maintenance #requirements- SaaS Usage Information for Requirements Maintenance (AG, ACRP), pp. 323–330.
CIKM-2014-DongLW #named #privacy- PraDa: Privacy-preserving Data-Deduplication-as-a-Service (BD, RL, WHW), pp. 1559–1568.
RecSys-2014-Ben-ShimonTFH #configuration management #monitoring #recommendation- Configuring and monitoring recommender system as a service (DBS, AT, MF, JH), pp. 363–364.
SIGIR-2014-VoorheesLE #evaluation #on the- On run diversity in Evaluation as a Service (EMV, JL, ME), pp. 959–962.
SAC-2014-HassanB - Green-as-a-service (GaaS) for cloud service provision operation (MIH, RB), pp. 1219–1220.
ASPLOS-2014-ZhouW #architecture- The sharing architecture: sub-core configurability for IaaS clouds (YZ, DW), pp. 559–574.
HPDC-2014-RazaviIK #image #named #virtual machine- Squirrel: scatter hoarding VM image contents on IaaS compute nodes (KR, AI, TK), pp. 265–278.
OSDI-2014-ZhaiCWF #correlation #independence- Heading Off Correlated Failures through Independence-as-a-Service (EZ, RC, DIW, BF), pp. 317–334.
SIGMOD-2013-ArasuBEJKKRUV - Secure database-as-a-service with Cipherbase (AA, SB, KE, MJ, RK, DK, RR, PU, RV), pp. 1033–1036.
SIGMOD-2013-NarasayyaDSCLP #multitenancy #performance #relational- A demonstration of SQLVM: performance isolation in multi-tenant relational database-as-a-service (VRN, SD, MS, SC, FL, HP), pp. 1077–1080.
SIGMOD-2013-OrdonezGGCBQ #algorithm #data mining #database #in the cloud #mining #relational- Data mining algorithms as a service in the cloud exploiting relational database systems (CO, JGG, CGA, WC, VB, MSQ), pp. 1001–1004.
SIGMOD-2013-WongHL #parallel- Parallel analytics as a service (PW, ZH, EL), pp. 25–36.
TPDL-2013-SuchodoletzR #challenge #performance #requirements- Efficient Access to Emulation-as-a-Service — Challenges and Requirements (DvS, KR), pp. 409–412.
VLDB-2013-ElmoreCAA #database #towards- Towards Database Virtualization for Database as a Service (AJE, CC, DA, AEA), pp. 1194–1195.
VLDB-2014-DasNLS13 #cpu #multitenancy #performance #relational- CPU Sharing Techniques for Performance Isolation in Multitenant Relational Database-as-a-Service (SD, VRN, FL, MS), pp. 37–48.
CAiSE-2013-KapurugeHCK #named #scalability- ROAD4SaaS: Scalable Business Service-Based SaaS Applications (MK, JH, AWC, IK), pp. 338–352.
SAC-2013-ZarembaBVH #in the cloud #linked data #open data- Matchmaking of IaaS cloud computing offers leveraging linked data (MZ, SB, TV, MH), pp. 383–388.
CASE-2013-XiaZLZ - A comprehensive QoS determination model for Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds (YX, MZ, XL, QZ), pp. 122–127.
PDP-2013-AcsGKK #open source- Block Level Storage Support for Open Source IaaS Clouds (SA, MG, PK, MK), pp. 262–268.
ICST-2013-CompagnaGB #process #security #validation- Business Process Compliance via Security Validation as a Service (LC, PG, ADB), pp. 455–462.
SIGITE-2012-EavesS #concept #proving- Desktop as a service proof of concept (AE, MS), pp. 85–86.
ICSM-2012-BezemerZHGWW #industrial #performance- Locating performance improvement opportunities in an industrial software-as-a-service application (CPB, AZ, AvdH, AvdG, MW, RW), pp. 547–556.
CAiSE-2012-GhaddarTAB #multitenancy #outsourcing #variability- Variability as a Service: Outsourcing Variability Management in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications (AG, DT, AA, AB), pp. 175–189.
EDOC-2012-ZarghamiSES #logic #process- Decision as a Service: Separating Decision-making from Application Process Logic (AZ, BS, MZE, MvS), pp. 103–112.
SEKE-2012-MerlinoDPG #undo- Software as a Service: Undo (HM, OD, PP, RGM), pp. 328–332.
SIGIR-2012-GollubSB #framework #research #towards #web- Ousting ivory tower research: towards a web framework for providing experiments as a service (TG, BS, SB), pp. 1125–1126.
SAC-2012-TruyenCWVBGDJ #programming- Context-oriented programming for customizable SaaS applications (ET, NC, SW, JV, EB, SG, TD, WJ), pp. 418–425.
WICSA-2011-GhezziG #analysis #architecture #lightweight #named- SOFAS: A Lightweight Architecture for Software Analysis as a Service (GG, HCG), pp. 93–102.
WICSA-2011-TekinerdoganOD #architecture #design #modelling #reasoning- Modeling and Reasoning about Design Alternatives of Software as a Service Architectures (BT, KÖ, AHD), pp. 312–319.
ICDAR-2011-GaoJHZ #in the cloud #recognition- Handwriting Character Recognition as a Service: A New Handwriting Recognition System Based on Cloud Computing (YG, LJ, CH, GZ), pp. 885–889.
SIGITE-2011-CerierVBBPHW - Infrastructure-as-a-service clouds in a professional environment (ABC, MV, CB, JB, BWP, PH, XW), pp. 301–302.
ICSM-2011-SrikanthC #case study #industrial #testing- Regression testing in Software as a Service: An industrial case study (HS, MBC), pp. 372–381.
SAC-2011-ShimHKLOW #requirements- Patterns for configuration requirements of Software-as-a-Service (JS, JH, JK, BL, JO, CW), pp. 155–161.
SEKE-2010-JarouchehLS #approach #flexibility #modelling #multi- A Model-driven Approach to Flexible Multi-Level Customization of SaaS Applications (ZJ, XL, SS), pp. 241–246.
SAC-2010-ZaplataL #mobile #process #towards- Towards mobile process as a service (SZ, WL), pp. 372–379.
SIGMOD-2009-AulbachJKS #comparison #flexibility- A comparison of flexible schemas for software as a service (SA, DJ, AK, MS), pp. 881–888.
ICEIS-J-2009-MullerKEHZ #enterprise #multitenancy- Customizing Enterprise Software as a Service Applications: Back-End Extension in a Multi-tenancy Environment (JM, JK, SE, MH, AZ), pp. 66–77.
ICST-2009-MathewS #automation #framework #platform #testing- Test Automation on a SaaS Platform (RM, RS), pp. 317–325.
SIGMOD-2008-AulbachGJKR #database #multitenancy- Multi-tenant databases for software as a service: schema-mapping techniques (SA, TG, DJ, AK, JR), pp. 1195–1206.
EDOC-2008-Jacobs #implementation- Implementing Software as a Service (DJ).
EDOC-2008-Quint #automation #distributed #security- SOA Security — as a Service Automatic Conversion in Distributed Infrastructures (BQ).
EDOC-2008-ScheiblerML #execution #power of- EAI as a Service — Combining the Power of Executable EAI Patterns and SaaS (TS, RM, FL), pp. 107–116.
EDOC-2008-Sirtl #web- Software plus Services: New IT- and Business Opportunities by Uniting SaaS, SOA and Web 2.0 (HS).
SIGMOD-2002-Bussler - Software as a service: ASP and ASP aggregation (CB), p. 638.