37 papers:
CHI-2014-MottW #lens #using- Beating the bubble: using kinematic triggering in the bubble lens for acquiring small, dense targets (MEM, JOW), pp. 733–742.
LCT-TRE-2014-AlmazovaK #approach #student- Computer Assisted Individual Approach to Acquiring Foreign Vocabulary of Students Major (NA, MK), pp. 248–257.
RecSys-2013-BlancoR #feedback #recommendation- Acquiring user profiles from implicit feedback in a conversational recommender system (HB, FR), pp. 307–310.
SEKE-2013-WangWMX #analysis #how #performance- How Does Acquirer’s Participation Influence Performance of Software Projects: A Quantitative Analysis (S) (YW, JW, JM, BX), pp. 537–541.
CIKM-2012-TalukdarWM #constraints- Acquiring temporal constraints between relations (PPT, DTW, TMM), pp. 992–1001.
ICPR-2012-RoyH #classification #component #detection #documentation #image #using- Text detection on camera acquired document images using supervised classification of connected components in wavelet domain (UR, GH), pp. 270–273.
KDD-2012-ChenCL #game studies #multi #network #social- Information propagation game: a tool to acquire humanplaying data for multiplayer influence maximization on social networks (HHC, YBC, SDL), pp. 1524–1527.
KDD-2012-Compton #experience- Experience with discovering knowledge by acquiring it (PC), p. 814.
CHI-2011-BragdonK #gesture #scalability- Gesture select: : acquiring remote targets on large displays without pointing (AB, HSK), pp. 187–196.
CHI-2011-XinBR #empirical #interactive- Acquiring and pointing: an empirical study of pen-tilt-based interaction (YX, XB, XR), pp. 849–858.
HIMI-v2-2011-TakadamaOSMOIHS #order #question #what- What Kinds of Human Negotiation Skill Can Be Acquired by Changing Negotiation Order of Bargaining Agents? (KT, AO, KS, HM, MO, YI, KH, HS), pp. 335–344.
CIKM-2010-SzumlanskiG #automation #concept #network #semantics- Automatically acquiring a semantic network of related concepts (SRS, FG), pp. 19–28.
KMIS-2010-BornerL #enterprise #using- Using Role-plays to Acquire Process-oriented Knowledge in Enterprises (RB, ML), pp. 149–156.
ICDAR-2009-TonazziniBS #multi- Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality (AT, GB, ES), pp. 546–550.
RE-2009-MaxwellA #modelling #requirements- Developing Production Rule Models to Aid in Acquiring Requirements from Legal Texts (JCM, AIA), pp. 101–110.
CASE-2007-ShibataZHSF #scheduling #self- Generalization of Scheduling Information Acquired Through User Manipulation for Self-construction Production Scheduling System (TS, XZ, XH, YS, SF), pp. 33–38.
ICDAR-2007-LinsSS #documentation #image #quality- Assessing and Improving the Quality of Document Images Acquired with Portable Digital Cameras (RDL, GPeS, ARGeS), pp. 569–573.
CASE-2006-KwokLWY #framework #replication #using- Evolutionary Replication of Calligraphic Characters By A Robot Drawing Platform Using Experimentally Acquired Brush Footprint (KWK, KWL, SMW, YY), pp. 466–471.
ICPR-v3-2006-VandeportaeleCM #detection #image #performance- A Fast Detector of Line Images Acquired by an Uncalibrated Paracatadioptric Camera (BV, MC, PM), pp. 1042–1045.
ICDAR-2005-LiwickiB05a #database #named #online- IAM-OnDB — an On-Line English Sentence Database Acquired from Handwritten Text on a Whiteboard (ML, HB), pp. 956–961.
SAC-2005-SunZ #approach #semantics- An approach to acquire semantic relationships between terms (XS, QZ), pp. 1630–1633.
CHI-2004-IntilleBTR #ubiquitous- Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications (SSI, LB, EMT, JR), pp. 1–8.
SIGIR-2004-KruschwitzA #automation #named- UKSearch: search with automatically acquired domain knowledge (UK, HAB), p. 599.
RE-2003-ShihL #requirements- Acquiring and Incorporating State-Dependent Timing Requirements (CSS, JWSL), pp. 87–94.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
ICML-2002-BockhorstC #concept- Exploiting Relations Among Concepts to Acquire Weakly Labeled Training Data (JB, MC), pp. 43–50.
SEKE-2002-DonzelliS #case study #process #requirements- Handling the knowledge acquired during the requirements engineering process: a case study (PD, RS), pp. 673–679.
RE-2001-DelugachL #concept #graph #requirements- Acquiring Software Requirements As Conceptual Graphs (HSD, BEL), pp. 296–297.
HCI-EI-1999-Cierjacks #question- Acquiring Tasks: A Better Way Than Asking? (MC), pp. 1194–1198.
SAC-1999-LuR #functional #information management #knowledge base #named #principle- KAT: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Acquiring Functional Knowledge Based Upon the No-Causality-In-Functional Principle (CL, DJR), pp. 8–13.
ICRE-1998-MaidenN #off the shelf #requirements- Acquiring COTS Software Selection Requirements (NAMM, CN), p. 241–?.
ICPR-1996-YaoC #image- Selective stabilization of images acquired by unmanned ground vehicles (YSY, RC), pp. 289–292.
SEKE-1994-CairoGB #formal method #multi #representation- A formal methodology for acquiring and representing knowledge from multiple experts (OC, SG, TB), pp. 281–288.
SEKE-1993-HarandiL #design #reuse- Acquiring Design Schemas for Software Reuse (MTH, HYL), pp. 491–498.
DAC-1992-HefferanS #maintenance #state of the art- Acquiring and Maintaining State-of-the-Art DA Systems (PMH, SS), pp. 387–392.
ML-1992-Mao #learning #named- THOUGHT: An Integrated Learning System for Acquiring Knowledge Structure (CM), pp. 300–309.
KBSE-1991-HarandiL #design #machine learning #perspective- Acquiring Software Design Schemas: A Machine Learning Perspective (MTH, HYL), pp. 188–197.