19 papers:
- CASE-2014-YangXZL #3d #recognition
- Scaled Indexing of General Shapes for complicated 3D motion recognition (JY, HX, XZ, YL), pp. 236–241.
- HCI-AS-2014-Moallem #network
- Home Networking: Smart but Complicated (AM), pp. 731–741.
- CIKM-2014-WuHPZCZ #feature model #learning #multi
- Exploring Features for Complicated Objects: Cross-View Feature Selection for Multi-Instance Learning (JW, ZH, SP, XZ, ZC, CZ), pp. 1699–1708.
- MSR-2013-ShokripourAKZ #debugging #recommendation #why
- Why so complicated? simple term filtering and weighting for location-based bug report assignment recommendation (RS, JA, ZMK, SZ), pp. 2–11.
- DUXU-WM-2013-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #interface #question #web #why
- Geospatial Web Interfaces, Why Are They So “Complicated”? (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 231–237.
- CIKM-2013-LiuTCALC #mining
- Mining diabetes complication and treatment patterns for clinical decision support (LL, JT, YC, AA, WkL, ANC), pp. 279–288.
- CHI-2012-ZhaoSC #facebook #how
- It’s complicated: how romantic partners use facebook (XZ, VSS, DC), pp. 771–780.
- EDOC-2012-ZhouXDL #difference #network
- Complicated Logistics Network Redesign Considering Service Differentiation (LZ, XX, SD, XL), pp. 93–102.
- ICPR-2012-LiuL #analysis #detection #learning #multi
- Unsupervised multi-target trajectory detection, learning and analysis in complicated environments (HL, JL), pp. 3716–3720.
- VISSOFT-2011-NeuLHD #gnome
- Telling stories about GNOME with Complicity (SN, ML, LH, MD), pp. 1–8.
- DATE-2010-LungZCC #optimisation
- Clock skew optimization considering complicated power modes (CLL, ZYZ, CHC, SCC), pp. 1474–1479.
- ICPR-2010-ShiGW #detection #realtime
- Real-Time Abnormal Event Detection in Complicated Scenes (YS, YG, RW), pp. 3653–3656.
- DHM-2007-WuHCLWW #modelling #research #simulation
- Research on Modeling of Complicate Traffic Simulation System (JW, LH, JC, ML, DW, MW), pp. 1037–1046.
- DHM-2007-ZhangDC #composition #pattern matching #pattern recognition #process #recognition
- Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition of EEG Signal for Pattern Recognition of Complicated Hand Activities (XZ, WD, ZC), pp. 294–303.
- DAC-2003-ZhuSW #3d #algorithm #geometry #performance
- Algorithms in FastImp: a fast and wideband impedance extraction program for complicated 3-D geometries (ZZ, BS, JW), pp. 712–717.
- ICDAR-2003-XiL #documentation
- Reference Line Extraction from Form Documents with Complicated Backgrounds (DX, SWL), p. 1080–?.
- ICDAR-1993-Hirayama #documentation #image #segmentation
- A block segmentation method for document images with complicated column structures (YH), pp. 91–94.
- HCI-SES-1987-JarvenpaaT #design
- Mental Workload in Simple and Complicated Computer Aided Design (EJ, VT), pp. 271–276.
- ICALP-1986-Wagner
- More Complicated Questions About Maxima and Minima, and Some Closures of NP (KWW), pp. 434–443.