36 papers:
HCI-DE-2015-MasieroA #reuse- Creating Personas to Reuse on Diversified Projects (AAM, PTAJ), pp. 238–247.
ECIR-2015-BouchouchaLN #query #towards- Towards Query Level Resource Weighting for Diversified Query Expansion (AB, XL, JYN), pp. 1–12.
KDD-2015-XieDX #documentation #modelling #strict- Diversifying Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Document Modeling (PX, YD, EPX), pp. 1315–1324.
SPLC-2015-0002Z #agile #approach- Lean variation management: increasing business value with a diversified approach (MB, BZ), p. 385.
DATE-2014-LiuSXL #injection #programmable #thread- Programmable decoder and shadow threads: Tolerate remote code injection exploits with diversified redundancy (ZL, WS, SX, ZL), pp. 1–6.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BaudryMMCFC #evolution #named- DIVERSIFY: Ecology-inspired software evolution for diversity emergence (BB, MM, CM, FC, FF, SC), pp. 395–398.
CIKM-2014-NtoutsiSRK #clustering #difference #quote #recommendation- “Strength Lies in Differences”: Diversifying Friends for Recommendations through Subspace Clustering (EN, KS, KR, HPK), pp. 729–738.
ECIR-2014-BouchouchaLN #multi #query- Integrating Multiple Resources for Diversified Query Expansion (AB, XL, JYN), pp. 437–442.
SIGIR-2014-KimC #documentation #query- Diversifying query suggestions based on query documents (YK, WBC), pp. 891–894.
VLDB-2013-FanWW #graph #pattern matching- Diversified Top-k Graph Pattern Matching (WF, XW, YW), pp. 1510–1521.
ITiCSE-2013-RidgewayWP #education #online- Diversifying computing teaching: building an online hub to promote inclusivity (JR, RW, RP), p. 332.
ECIR-2013-ChuklinSR #behaviour #using- Using Intent Information to Model User Behavior in Diversified Search (AC, PS, MdR), pp. 1–13.
RecSys-2013-SuYCY #personalisation #ranking #recommendation- Set-oriented personalized ranking for diversified top-n recommendation (RS, LY, KC, YY), pp. 415–418.
SIGIR-2013-Crane #feedback- Diversified relevance feedback (MC), p. 1142.
SIGIR-2013-SakaiDC #evaluation- The impact of intent selection on diversified search evaluation (TS, ZD, CLAC), pp. 921–924.
VLDB-2012-QinYC- Diversifying Top-K Results (LQ, JXY, LC), pp. 1124–1135.
CIKM-2012-HasanMTK #query- Diversifying query results on semi-structured data (MH, AM, VJT, EJK), pp. 2099–2103.
CIKM-2012-LiKBCL #approach #named #probability #query #recommendation- DQR: a probabilistic approach to diversified query recommendation (RL, BK, BB, RC, EL), pp. 16–25.
CIKM-2012-ZhuYCQ #approach #classification #feature model #graph- Graph classification: a diversified discriminative feature selection approach (YZ, JXY, HC, LQ), pp. 205–214.
KDD-2012-RamanSJ #feedback #learning #online- Online learning to diversify from implicit feedback (KR, PS, TJ), pp. 705–713.
SIGIR-2012-IwataSYCLWN #named #visualisation #web- AspecTiles: tile-based visualization of diversified web search results (MI, TS, TY, YC, YL, JRW, SN), pp. 85–94.
VLDB-2011-VieiraRBHSTT #named #query- DivDB: A System for Diversifying Query Results (MRV, HLR, MCNB, MH, DS, CTJ, VJT), pp. 1395–1398.
VLDB-2011-ZhaoZTC #database #keyword #named- BROAD: Diversified Keyword Search in Databases (FZ, XZ, AKHT, GC), pp. 1355–1358.
CIKM-2011-KacimiG #query- Diversifying search results of controversial queries (MK, JG), pp. 93–98.
KDD-2011-TongHWKL #graph #optimisation #ranking #scalability- Diversified ranking on large graphs: an optimization viewpoint (HT, JH, ZW, RK, CYL), pp. 1028–1036.
SIGIR-2011-ChenWSPY- Diversifying product search results (XC, HW, XS, JP, YY), pp. 1093–1094.
SIGIR-2011-SakaiS #using- Evaluating diversified search results using per-intent graded relevance (TS, RS), pp. 1043–1052.
SIGIR-2011-SongZH #query- Post-ranking query suggestion by diversifying search results (YS, DZ, LwH), pp. 815–824.
SIGIR-2011-ValletC #on the #personalisation #web- On diversifying and personalizing web search (DV, PC), pp. 1157–1158.
SIGIR-2011-ZucconAR #documentation #interactive #ranking- The interactive PRP for diversifying document rankings (GZ, LA, CJvR), pp. 1227–1228.
ICPC-2010-RatanotayanonCS #data flow #empirical #repository- My Repository Runneth Over: An Empirical Study on Diversifying Data Sources to Improve Feature Search (SR, HJC, SES), pp. 206–215.
ICALP-v2-2010-BansalJKN #algorithm #approximate #ranking- Approximation Algorithms for Diversified Search Ranking (NB, KJ, AK, JN), pp. 273–284.
CIKM-2010-SantosMO #web- Selectively diversifying web search results (RLTS, CM, IO), pp. 1179–1188.
CIKM-2009-AchananuparpYC #using- Using negative voting to diversify answers in non-factoid question answering (PA, CCY, XC), pp. 1681–1684.
ICSM-2008-Lo #execution #mining #specification- Mining specifications in diversified formats from execution traces (DL), pp. 420–423.
ITiCSE-1998-KarpouzisK #approach #pipes and filters- The rendering pipeline in the classroom: a diversified approach (KK, SDK), pp. 139–142.