29 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-FengLKX #in memory #layout #memory management #named- ByteSlice: Pushing the Envelop of Main Memory Data Processing with a New Storage Layout (ZF, EL, BK, WX), pp. 31–46.
TACAS-2015-SebastianiT #cost analysis #modulo theories #optimisation- Pushing the Envelope of Optimization Modulo Theories with Linear-Arithmetic Cost Functions (RS, PT), pp. 335–349.
HIMI-AS-2014-Coelho #analysis- Association of CCR and BCC Efficiencies to Market Variables in a Retrospective Two Stage Data Envelope Analysis (DAC), pp. 151–159.
CIKM-2014-LiakosPS #graph- Pushing the Envelope in Graph Compression (PL, KP, MS), pp. 1549–1558.
HPDC-2013-ZhangKWWF #parallel #scalability- MTC envelope: defining the capability of large scale computers in the context of parallel scripting applications (ZZ, DSK, MW, JMW, ITF), pp. 37–48.
CASE-2012-CostantinoDEFS #analysis #evaluation #fuzzy #novel #performance- A novel fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis methodology for performance evaluation in a two-stage supply chain (NC, MD, NE, MF, FS), pp. 974–979.
DATE-2012-LiuTWY #simulation- A GPU-accelerated envelope-following method for switching power converter simulation (XL, SXDT, HW, HY), pp. 1349–1354.
ICPR-2012-SongLLWT #retrieval- Envelope extraction for composite shapes for shape retrieval (JS, XL, HL, XW, ZT), pp. 1932–1935.
KR-2012-AdarichevaSST #complexity- Horn Belief Contraction: Remainders, Envelopes and Complexity (KVA, RHS, BS, GT).
ICDAR-2011-LiuLS #graph #image #retrieval #using- Retrieval of Envelope Images Using Graph Matching (LL, YL, CYS), pp. 99–103.
ICML-2011-Gould #learning #linear #markov #random- Max-margin Learning for Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields (SG), pp. 193–200.
KMIS-2011-CostantinoDFS #analysis #evaluation #nondeterminism #using- A Model using Data Envelopment Analysis for the Cross Evaluation of Suppliers under Uncertainty (NC, MD, MF, FS), pp. 152–157.
ICALP-C-2008-JareckiL #authentication #multi #performance- Affiliation-Hiding Envelope and Authentication Schemes with Efficient Support for Multiple Credentials (SJ, XL), pp. 715–726.
DAC-2006-MeiR #robust- A robust envelope following method applicable to both non-autonomous and oscillatory circuits (TM, JSR), pp. 1029–1034.
ICEIS-v2-2005-MezaNMGC #analysis #modelling- Free Software for Decision Analysis: A Software Package for Data Envelopment Models (LAM, LBN, JCCBSdM, EGG, PHGC), pp. 207–212.
ICPR-v1-2004-Li #authentication- Handwriting Authentication by Envelopes of Sound Signatures (FFL), pp. 401–404.
KDD-2004-SteinbachTK- Support envelopes: a technique for exploring the structure of association patterns (MS, PNT, VK), pp. 296–305.
DAC-2003-PuriSCKPSSK #performance- Pushing ASIC performance in a power envelope (RP, LS, JMC, DSK, DZP, DS, AS, SHK), pp. 788–793.
DRR-2003-FaconY #matrix #segmentation- Morphological postal envelope segmentation by co-occurrence matrix (JF, EAY), pp. 294–304.
ICDAR-2003-MenotiBFB #approach #feature model #segmentation- Segmentation of Postal Envelopes for Address Block Location: an approach based on feature selection in wavelet space (DM, DLB, JF, AdSBJ), pp. 699–703.
ICDAR-2003-YonekuraF #2d #clustering #segmentation- Postal Envelope Segmentation by 2-D Histogram Clustering through Watershed Transform (EAY, JF), pp. 338–342.
SIGMOD-2003-ZhuS #query- Warping Indexes with Envelope Transforms for Query by Humming (YZ, DS), pp. 181–192.
ICEIS-v2-2003-NetoCMG #analysis #network #simulation #using- Simulating Data Envelopment Analysis Using Neural Networks (LBN, PHGC, JCCBSdM, EGG), pp. 244–249.
ICDAR-1999-XueDLPK- Destination Address Block Location on Handwritten Chinese Envelope (JX, XD, CL, SP, HK), pp. 737–740.
ICDAR-1997-WolfN #locality- Form--Based Localization of the Destination Address Block on Complex Envelopes (MW, HN), p. 908–?.
KDD-1997-DeCoste #behaviour #mining #multi- Mining Multivariate Time-Series Sensor Data to Discover Behavior Envelopes (DD), pp. 151–154.
PODS-1993-Chaudhuri #datalog #recursion- Finding Nonrecursive Envelopes for Datalog Predicates (SC), pp. 135–146.
FPCA-1991-MeijerFP #functional #lens #programming- Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire (EM, MMF, RP), pp. 124–144.
DAC-1970-Borgmeyer #mockup- A mathematical mockup — engine envelope described by computer (CHB), pp. 310–314.