53 papers:
DAC-2015-PanLYXL #multi #question- Pushing multiple patterning in sub-10nm: are we ready? (DZP, LL, BY, XX, YL), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-FengLKX #in memory #layout #memory management #named- ByteSlice: Pushing the Envelop of Main Memory Data Processing with a New Storage Layout (ZF, EL, BK, WX), pp. 31–46.
TACAS-2015-SebastianiT #cost analysis #modulo theories #optimisation- Pushing the Envelope of Optimization Modulo Theories with Linear-Arithmetic Cost Functions (RS, PT), pp. 335–349.
PLDI-2015-KoskinenP #transaction- The Push/Pull model of transactions (EK, MJP), pp. 186–195.
CHI-2015-MalacriaAQCCR- Push-Edge and Slide-Edge: Scrolling by Pushing Against the Viewport Edge (SM, JA, PQ, GC, AC, NR), pp. 2773–2776.
ICML-2015-XinW #adaptation #probability #rank- Pushing the Limits of Affine Rank Minimization by Adapting Probabilistic PCA (BX, DPW), pp. 419–427.
RecSys-2015-ForsatiBMER #algorithm #named #performance #recommendation #trust- PushTrust: An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm by Leveraging Trust and Distrust Relations (RF, IB, FM, AHE, HR), pp. 51–58.
CASE-2014-HwangLW #adaptation #learning- Adaptive reinforcement learning in box-pushing robots (KSH, JLL, WHW), pp. 1182–1187.
CIKM-2014-LiakosPS #graph- Pushing the Envelope in Graph Compression (PL, KP, MS), pp. 1549–1558.
OOPSLA-2014-XiaoGZZZYWLCZ #named #reduction #source code- Cybertron: pushing the limit on I/O reduction in data-parallel programs (TX, ZG, HZ, JZ, XZ, CY, XW, WL, WC, LZ), pp. 895–908.
ISMM-2014-RatnakarN #analysis #constraints #graph #performance #points-to- Push-pull constraint graph for efficient points-to analysis (BR, RN), pp. 25–33.
LATA-2013-NakamuraI #automaton #linear #stack- Eliminating Stack Symbols in Push-Down Automata and Linear Indexed Grammars (KN, KI), pp. 444–455.
DHM-HB-2013-YangZF #simulation- Simulation of Pushing the Push-Pull Rod Action Based on Human Body Dynamics (ZY, YZ, SF), pp. 393–401.
HCI-AS-2013-MatsumotoAK #development #email #learning #using #word- Development of Push-Based English Words Learning System by Using E-Mail Service (SM, MA, TK), pp. 444–453.
VLDB-2012-SelkeLB #bound #database- Pushing the Boundaries of Crowd-enabled Databases with Query-driven Schema Expansion (JS, CL, WTB), pp. 538–549.
ICML-2012-Rakotomamonjy #infinity- Sparse Support Vector Infinite Push (AR), p. 48.
RE-2012-Cleland-HuangMMA #recommendation #traceability- Breaking the big-bang practice of traceability: Pushing timely trace recommendations to project stakeholders (JCH, PM, MM, SA), pp. 231–240.
CASE-2010-ShahiniMY- Characterization of micro forces in pushing flat micro-sized objects (MS, WWM, JTWY), pp. 539–544.
CHI-2010-XuC- Push-and-pull switching: window switching based on window overlapping (QX, GC), pp. 1335–1338.
KR-2010-GrauM #ontology #reasoning- Pushing the Limits of Reasoning over Ontologies with Hidden Content (BCG, BM).
ICALP-v1-2009-DoerrFS #robust- Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: Expanders, Push vs. Pull, and Robustness (BD, TF, TS), pp. 366–377.
HCI-AUII-2009-FanS #3d #navigation #user interface #using- Pull and Push: Proximity-Aware User Interface for Navigating in 3D Space Using a Handheld Camera (MF, YS), pp. 133–140.
SAC-2009-Pohja- Server push with instant messaging (MP), pp. 653–658.
ICSE-2009-DekelH #api #documentation #usability- Improving API documentation usability with knowledge pushing (UD, JDH), pp. 320–330.
LCTES-2009-SarkarMRM #manycore #migration #realtime- Push-assisted migration of real-time tasks in multi-core processors (AS, FM, HR, SM), pp. 80–89.
ITiCSE-2008-Garcia-OsorioMJG #automaton #education #turing machine- Teaching push-down automata and turing machines (CGO, IMS, JJV, NGP), p. 316.
CSCW-2008-DekelH #collaboration #development- Pushing relevant artifact annotations in collaborative software development (UD, JDH), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2007-WobbrockCM #mobile- An alternative to push, press, and tap-tap-tap: gesturing on an isometric joystick for mobile phone text entry (JOW, DHC, BAM), pp. 667–676.
ICALP-v1-2006-ChaudhuriRRT #algorithm #approximate #bound- A Push-Relabel Algorithm for Approximating Degree Bounded MSTs (KC, SR, SR, KT), pp. 191–201.
CHI-2006-AgarawalaB #physics- Keepin’ it real: pushing the desktop metaphor with physics, piles and the pen (AA, RB), pp. 1283–1292.
ICPR-v4-2006-HeTS #locality- Iris Localization via Pulling and Pushing (ZH, TT, ZS), pp. 366–369.
ICDAR-2005-TanigakiHO #documentation- Push-Style Guidance System for Technical Document Writing (KT, TH, YO), pp. 725–729.
SAC-2005-AdaikkalavanC #approach #named #security #web- SmartGate: a smart push-pull approach to support role-based security in web gateways (RA, SC), pp. 1727–1731.
ICFP-2004-MarlowJ #higher-order #performance- Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for higher-order languages (SM, SLPJ), pp. 4–15.
SAC-2004-LechnerS #concept #modelling #named #reuse #web- Trasformers-by-example: pushing reuse in conceptual web application modelling (SL, MS), pp. 1654–1661.
DAC-2003-PuriSCKPSSK #performance- Pushing ASIC performance in a power envelope (RP, LS, JMC, DSK, DZP, DS, AS, SHK), pp. 788–793.
VLDB-2003-ArionBCDMP #named #query #xml- Xquec: Pushing Queries to Compressed XML Data (AA, AB, GC, SD, IM, AP), pp. 1065–1068.
KDD-2003-WangJL #mining- Mining unexpected rules by pushing user dynamics (KW, YJ, LVSL), pp. 246–255.
CIAA-2002-AlonsoDF #automaton #bidirectional- Tabulation of Bidirectional Push Down Automata (MAA, VJD, MVF), pp. 35–46.
CIKM-2002-Hara #information management #mobile- Cooperative caching by mobile clients in push-based information systems (TH), pp. 186–193.
VLDB-2000-AdiBEY #correlation #personalisation- Push Technology Personalization through Event Correlation (AA, DB, OE, TYH), pp. 643–645.
KDD-2000-PeiH #constraints #mining #question- Can we push more constraints into frequent pattern mining? (JP, JH), pp. 350–354.
LCTES-2000-LeeSJ #communication #multi- An Integrated Push/Pull Buffer Management Method in Multimedia Communication Environments (SL, HS, TJ), pp. 216–220.
SEKE-1999-WieserHS #experience- Push of Pull: Two Cognitive Modes of Systematic Experience Transfer at DaimlerChrysler (EW, FH, KS), pp. 186–204.
ESEC-FSE-1999-HauswirthJ #communication #component- A Component and Communication Model for Push Systems (MH, MJ), pp. 20–38.
TLCA-1999-Levy #call-by #named #paradigm- Call-by-Push-Value: A Subsuming Paradigm (PBL), pp. 228–242.
HT-1998-NanardNK #design pattern #hypermedia #reuse- Pushing Reuse in Hypermedia Design: Golden Rules, Design Patterns and Constructive Templates (MN, JN, PK), pp. 11–20.
SIGMOD-1998-FranklinZ #perspective #quote- “Data in Your Face”: Push Technology in Perspective (MJF, SBZ), pp. 516–519.
SIGMOD-1997-AcharyaFZ- Balancing Push and Pull for Data Broadcast (SA, MJF, SBZ), pp. 183–194.
STOC-1996-BernS- Pushing Disks Together — The Continuous-Motion Case (MWB, AS), pp. 119–125.
ICALP-1995-GrecoSZ #automaton #logic programming #source code- The PushDown Method to Optimize Chain Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 523–534.
PODS-1992-SrivastavaR #constraints- Pushing Constraint Selections (DS, RR), pp. 301–315.
PLILP-1992-BarthelemyC #automaton- Subsumption-oriented Push-Down Automata (FB, EVdlC), pp. 100–114.