12 papers:
PODS-2014-Cohen #analysis #graph #sketching- All-distances sketches, revisited: HIP estimators for massive graphs analysis (EC), pp. 88–99.
LCT-NLE-2014-ImranK #framework #interactive #multi #named- HIP — A Technology-Rich and Interactive Multimedia Pedagogical Platform (ASI, SJK), pp. 151–160.
CHI-2013-PritchardV #human-computer- Digital apartheid: an ethnographic account of racialised hci in Cape Town hip-hop (GWP, JV), pp. 2537–2546.
HCI-III-2013-YazdifarYREEC #evaluation- Evaluation of Hip Impingement Kinematics on Range of Motion (MY, MY, PR, SE, IIE, MC), pp. 262–269.
SAC-2013-GoncalvesTM #towards- Towards a software tool for ultrasound guided robotic hip resurfacing surgery (PJSG, PMBT, JMMM), pp. 232–234.
OOPSLA-2012-ZhaoPYQWGOPMET #compilation #php- The HipHop compiler for PHP (HZ, IP, MY, XQ, MW, QG, GO, AP, SM, JE, ST), pp. 575–586.
DHM-2011-ChiouCC #3d #predict #reliability- The Effects of Landmarks and Training on 3D Surface Anthropometric Reliability and Hip Joint Center Prediction (WKC, BHC, WYC), pp. 3–11.
CASE-2008-GiglioMSS #hybrid #optimisation- Optimization of inventory levels and production effort in Hybrid Inventory-Production (HIP) systems (DG, RM, SS, SS), pp. 8–15.
ICPR-v3-2006-PetterssonKB #automation #segmentation #using- Automatic Hip Bone Segmentation Using Non-Rigid Registration (JP, HK, MB), pp. 946–949.
CHI-2005-ChellapillaLSC #design #interactive #proving- Designing human friendly human interaction proofs (HIPs) (KC, KL, PYS, MC), pp. 711–720.
SAC-1993-BajajS #design #distributed- Distributed Design of Hip Prostheses with BHAUTIK (CLB, DS), pp. 36–39.
CHI-1991-MulliganAS #design #user interface- User interface design in the trenches: some tips on shooting from the hip (RMM, MWA, DKS), pp. 232–236.