24 papers:
VLDB-2014-JiangFWX #distance #network #query- Hop Doubling Label Indexing for Point-to-Point Distance Querying on Scale-Free Networks (MJ, AWCF, RCWW, YX), pp. 1203–1214.
ASPLOS-2014-KwonKP #multi- Locality-oblivious cache organization leveraging single-cycle multi-hop NoCs (WCK, TK, LSP), pp. 715–728.
CHI-2013-PritchardV #human-computer- Digital apartheid: an ethnographic account of racialised hci in Cape Town hip-hop (GWP, JV), pp. 2537–2546.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChanLN #bound #fault tolerance #metric- Sparse Fault-Tolerant Spanners for Doubling Metrics with Bounded Hop-Diameter or Degree (THHC, ML, LN), pp. 182–193.
KMIS-2012-NgocIC #case study #modelling #using- Modeling of Indicators using UTL — A Study Case with Hop3x System (DPTN, SI, CC), pp. 269–272.
OOPSLA-2012-ZhaoPYQWGOPMET #compilation #php- The HipHop compiler for PHP (HZ, IP, MY, XQ, MW, QG, GO, AP, SM, JE, ST), pp. 575–586.
SAC-2012-Kim #multi #optimisation #realtime #reliability #towards- Towards optimizing the reliability of real-time transmission in multi-hop wireless LANs (JK), pp. 577–582.
HCI-DDA-2011-DittmarF #implementation #interactive #modelling #using- Intertwined Modeling and Implementation of Interactive Systems Using HOPS (AD, PF), pp. 194–203.
SAC-2011-SreekumariC #multi #network- A new TCP mechanism for reducing retransmission timeouts over multi-hop wireless networks (PS, SHC), pp. 498–505.
VLDB-2010-MihaylovJIG #multi #network #optimisation- Dynamic Join Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks (SRM, MJ, ZGI, SG), pp. 1279–1290.
TACAS-2010-VillardLC- Tracking Heaps That Hop with Heap-Hop (JV, ÉL, CC), pp. 275–279.
CIKM-2010-CaiP #graph #named #query #reachability #scalability- Path-hop: efficiently indexing large graphs for reachability queries (JC, CKP), pp. 119–128.
DATE-2009-0001BW #case study #fault #network- Error correction in single-hop wireless sensor networks — A case study (DS, MB, NW), pp. 1296–1301.
DATE-2009-XuVJ #runtime- Selective light Vth hopping (SLITH): Bridging the gap between runtime dynamic and leakage (HX, RV, WBJ), pp. 594–597.
SIGMOD-2009-JinXRF #named #query #reachability- 3-HOP: a high-compression indexing scheme for reachability query (RJ, YX, NR, DF), pp. 813–826.
SAC-2009-KimR #multi #network #realtime- Opportunistic real-time routing in multi-hop wireless sensor networks (JK, BR), pp. 2197–2201.
ICPR-2008-ChenCW #higher-order #named #performance #using- HOPS: Efficient region labeling using Higher Order Proxy Neighborhoods (AYCC, JJC, LW), pp. 1–4.
HPDC-2008-KhannaCKSSKF #data transfer #multi #network #optimisation #using- Multi-hop path splitting and multi-pathing optimizations for data transfers over shared wide-area networks using gridFTP (GK, ÜVÇ, TMK, PS, JHS, RK, ITF), pp. 225–226.
DATE-2007-SuhonenKKHH #capacity #cost analysis #multi #optimisation- Cost-aware capacity optimization in dynamic multi-hop WSNs (JS, MK, MK, MH, TDH), pp. 666–671.
ILC-2007-Serrano #named #web- HOP: an environment for developing web 2.0 applications (MS), p. 6.
CHI-2006-IraniGY- Improving selection of off-screen targets with hopping (PI, CG, XDY), pp. 299–308.
OSDI-2004-GummadiMGLW #internet #reliability- Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing (PKG, HVM, SDG, HML, DW), pp. 183–198.
DAC-2000-LeeS #power management #realtime #runtime- Run-time voltage hopping for low-power real-time systems (SL, TS), pp. 806–809.
ICALP-1997-EilamFZ #layout #network #problem- A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load (Extended Abstract) (TE, MF, SZ), pp. 527–537.