10 papers:
SIGMOD-2014-LiuWZZK #behaviour #modelling #named #scalability #social- HYDRA: large-scale social identity linkage via heterogeneous behavior modeling (SL, SW, FZ, JZ, RK), pp. 51–62.
CGO-2013-DuchateauPB #algebra #algorithm #automation #equation #linear #named- Hydra: Automatic algorithm exploration from linear algebra equations (AD, DAP, DB), p. 10.
RecSys-2010-KaragiannidisAZV #framework #named #recommendation- Hydra: an open framework for virtual-fusion of recommendation filters (SK, SA, CZ, AV), pp. 229–232.
HPDC-2010-CoutinhoOOBLDM #parallel #using #workflow- Data parallelism in bioinformatics workflows using Hydra (FC, ESO, DdO, VPB, AABL, AMRD, MM), pp. 507–515.
CASE-2008-BittonG #algorithm #framework #named- Hydra: A framework and algorithms for mixed-initiative UAV-assisted search and rescue (EB, KG), pp. 61–66.
FPLE-1995-ODonnell #architecture #education #functional #specification- From Transistors to Computer Architecture: Teaching Functional Circuit Specification in Hydra (JJO), pp. 195–214.
ICSE-1978-AlmesR #file system- An Extensible File System for Hydra (GTA, GGR), pp. 288–294.
SOSP-1975-CohenJ #operating system- Protection in the HYDRA Operating System (ESC, DJ), pp. 141–160.
SOSP-1975-LevinCCPW #policy- Policy/Mechanism Separation in HYDRA (RL, ESC, WMC, FJP, WAW), pp. 132–140.
SOSP-1975-WulfLP #bibliography #development #operating system- Overview of the HYDRA Operating System Development (WAW, RL, CP), pp. 122–131.