39 papers:
HCI-IT-2015-AtroucheID #problem- A Mashup-Based Application for the Smart City Problematic (AA, DI, BD), pp. 683–694.
CAiSE-2015-VidalCARLLR #incremental #linked data #maintenance #open data #specification- Specification and Incremental Maintenance of Linked Data Mashup Views (VMPV, MAC, NA, MR, LAPPL, GRL, CR), pp. 214–229.
DUXU-TMT-2014-OrehovackiG #assessment #tool support- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Mashup Tools (TO, TG), pp. 340–351.
HIMI-DE-2014-LiH- Improving Academic Listening Skills of Second Language by Building up Strategy Object Mashups (HL, SH), pp. 384–395.
CHI-2013-KuttalSR #debugging #programming- Debugging support for end user mashup programming (SKK, AS, GR), pp. 1609–1618.
DUXU-WM-2013-CappielloMP #development #mobile- End-User Development of Mobile Mashups (CC, MM, MP), pp. 641–650.
CAiSE-2013-BianchiniAM #api #design #enterprise #framework #multi #web- A Multi-perspective Framework for Web API Search in Enterprise Mashup Design (DB, VDA, MM), pp. 353–368.
VLDB-2012-EndrullisTR #named #performance #web- WETSUIT: An Efficient Mashup Tool for Searching and Fusing Web Entities (SE, AT, ER), pp. 1970–1973.
ICSE-2012-Chowdhury #development #tool support- Assisting end-user development in browser-based mashup tools (SRC), pp. 1625–1627.
ICSM-2011-ShevertalovM #maintenance #on the- On the maintenance of UI-integrated mashup applications (MS, SM), pp. 203–212.
ICEIS-v1-2011-DiEM #framework #research- Research and Application of Carrier-grade Mashup Platform on OneAPI (JD, HE, LM), pp. 504–509.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiuEM #design #framework #implementation #integration- Design and Implementation of an Open Platform for Services Integration based on Mashup (YL, HE, LM), pp. 554–559.
ICEIS-v4-2011-BenhaddiBA #approach #modelling- Model-driven Approach for User-centric Mashuped SOA (MB, KB, EHA), pp. 116–123.
SEKE-2011-GaoHYS #nondeterminism- Data Uncertainty Model for Mashup (XG, WH, WY, SZ), pp. 503–508.
ICSE-2011-StoleeE #refactoring- Refactoring pipe-like mashups for end-user programmers (KTS, SGE), pp. 81–90.
VLDB-2010-SolimanIS #nondeterminism- Building Ranked Mashups of Unstructured Sources with Uncertain Information (MAS, IFI, MS), pp. 826–837.
CSMR-2010-GarciaDFWGI #design #development #java #named #open source #reliability #web- ROMULUS: Domain Driven Design and Mashup Oriented Development Based on Open Source Java Metaframework for Pragmatic, Reliable and Secure Web Development (BG, JCD, JIFV, AW, MG, CAI), pp. 186–189.
CHI-2010-CaoRWBG #design #lens #programming- End-user mashup programming: through the design lens (JC, YR, SW, MMB, VG), pp. 1009–1018.
ICSE-2010-Roy #towards #web #web service- Towards end-user enabled web service consumption for Mashups (MR), pp. 413–416.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-LiuLXSZ #architecture #enterprise #integration #using- Using architecture integration patterns to compose enterprise mashups (YL, XL, LX, MS, LZ), pp. 111–120.
SIGMOD-2009-SimmenRLT #enterprise- Enabling enterprise mashups over unstructured text feeds with InfoSphere MashupHub and SystemT (DES, FR, YL, ST), pp. 1123–1126.
VLDB-2009-ChenLNXZMW #api #web- Mashup by Surfing a Web of Data APIs (HC, BL, YN, GTX, CZ, JM, ZW), pp. 1602–1605.
VLDB-2009-GreenshpanMP- Autocompletion for Mashups (OG, TM, NP), pp. 538–549.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Aviles-LopezG #physics- UbiSOA Dashboard: Integrating the Physical and Digital Domains through Mashups (EAL, JAGM), pp. 466–474.
CIKM-2009-RanganathanRU #information retrieval- Mashup-based information retrieval for domain experts (AR, AR, OU), pp. 711–720.
ASE-2008-ShevertalovM #automation #case study #composition #network- A Case Study on the Automatic Composition of Network Application Mashups (MS, SM), pp. 359–362.
DocEng-2008-BoyerDKLSST #documentation #process- An office document mashup for document-centric business processes (JMB, ED, MK, JSHL, MRS, HFS, ST), pp. 100–101.
SIGMOD-2008-SimmenAMPS #intranet #named- Damia: data mashups for intranet applications (DES, MA, VM, SP, AS), pp. 1171–1182.
SIGMOD-2008-TatemuraCLPCA #named #nondeterminism #query #web #web service- UQBE: uncertain query by example for web service mashup (JT, SC, FL, OP, KSC, DA), pp. 1275–1280.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-HampelPS #flexibility #robust #web- Web 2.0 Mashups for Contextualization, Flexibility, Pragmatism, and Robustness (TH, TP, JS), pp. 107–112.
SIGMOD-2007-EnnalsG #named- MashMaker: mashups for the masses (RE, MNG), pp. 1116–1118.
SIGMOD-2007-TatemuraSPCCAG #query #web #web service- Mashup Feeds: : continuous queries over web services (JT, AS, OP, SC, KSC, DA, MG), pp. 1128–1130.
VLDB-2007-AltinelBCKLMMNSS #intranet #named- DAMIA — A Data Mashup Fabric for Intranet Applications (MA, PB, SC, RK, EL, VM, LM, YHN, DES, AS), pp. 1370–1373.
ICFP-2007-EnnalsG #functional #programming #web- User-friendly functional programming for web mashups (RE, DG), pp. 223–234.
CHI-2007-WongH #programming #towards #web- Making mashups with marmite: towards end-user programming for the web (JW, JIH), pp. 1435–1444.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BoppKHPL #convergence #generative #self- Knowledge-mashups as next generation webbased systems — converging systems via self-explaining services (TB, BK, TH, CP, FL), pp. 307–314.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Maximilien #approach #challenge #problem #ruby #semantics #using #web #web service- A Partial Solution to the Semantic Web Services Challenge Problem Using Swashup — The Ruby on Rails Services Mashup Approach (EMM), pp. 438–446.
SOSP-2007-WangFHJ #abstraction #communication #web- Protection and communication abstractions for web browsers in MashupOS (HJW, XF, JH, CJ), pp. 1–16.
VLDB-2006-Jhingran #enterprise- Enterprise Information Mashups: Integrating Information, Simply (AJ), pp. 3–4.