8 papers:
RecSys-2015-ElsweilerH #automation #recommendation #towards- Towards Automatic Meal Plan Recommendations for Balanced Nutrition (DE, MH), pp. 313–316.
CHI-2014-ReitbergerSF #behaviour #named- Nutriflect: reflecting collective shopping behavior and nutrition (WR, WS, GF), pp. 3309–3318.
HIMI-DE-2014-BannaiKA #education #game studies #interface- Food Practice Shooter: A Serious Game with a Real-World Interface for Nutrition and Dietary Education (YB, TK, NA), pp. 139–147.
CHI-2011-MamykinaMGMTMD #collaboration- Examining the impact of collaborative tagging on sensemaking in nutrition management (LM, ADM, CG, YM, MAT, EDM, PD), pp. 657–666.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KamiethBS #adaptation #interactive- Adaptive Implicit Interaction for Healthy Nutrition and Food Intake Supervision (FK, AB, CS), pp. 205–212.
REFSQ-2011-WidyaBWLKBJH #education #requirements- Requirements for a Nutrition Education Demonstrator (IW, RB, RdW, BL, NK, RB, VJ, HJH), pp. 48–53.
CHI-2010-KelleyCBC #approach #online #privacy #standard- Standardizing privacy notices: an online study of the nutrition label approach (PGK, LC, JB, LFC), pp. 1573–1582.
CSCW-2008-GrimesBBG #community #named- EatWell: sharing nutrition-related memories in a low-income community (AG, MB, JDB, REG), pp. 87–96.