18 papers:
CHI-2015-AlvinaZPARF #mobile #named #towards- OmniVib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for Mobile Phones (JA, SZ, STP, MA, TR, MF), pp. 2487–2496.
CHI-2014-RuizVLAC #gesture #interactive #multi #video- Multi-viewer gesture-based interaction for omni-directional video (GARR, DV, KL, FA, EC), pp. 4077–4086.
ICDAR-2013-BuiVM #documentation #invariant #navigation- Invariants Extraction Method Applied in an Omni-language Old Document Navigating System (QAB, MV, RM), pp. 1325–1329.
VLDB-2013-ZhangHHL #architecture #cpu #gpu #named #parallel #performance #query #towards- OmniDB: Towards Portable and Efficient Query Processing on Parallel CPU/GPU Architectures (SZ, JH, BH, ML), pp. 1374–1377.
CASE-2011-DjebraniBA #feedback #mobile #modelling- Modelling and feedback control of an omni-directional mobile manipulator (SD, AB, FA), pp. 785–791.
CASE-2007-TadakumaT #design- Mechanical Design of “Omni-Ball”: Spherical Wheel for Holonomic Omnidirectional Motion (KT, RT), pp. 788–794.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-IshikawaYY #multi #novel #using- Novel View Telepresence with High-Scalability Using Multi-Casted Omni-Directional Videos (TI, KY, NY), pp. 148–156.
ICPR-v4-2006-SatohS #development- Development of Omni-directional Stereo Vision-based Intelligent Electric Wheelchair (YS, KS), pp. 799–804.
ICPR-v4-2006-SatoTIM #coordination #detection #image #sequence- Change detection in streetscapes from GPS coordinated omni-directional image sequences (JS, TT, II, HM), pp. 935–938.
ICPR-v3-2004-ShimizuYWSTN #detection #mobile- Moving Object Detection with Mobile Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS) based on Motion Compensatory Inter-frame Depth Subtraction (SS, KY, CW, YS, HT, YN), pp. 248–251.
ICPR-v4-2002-WangTSHNY #image- Registering Panoramic Range Data and Omni-directional Color Image Based on Edge Histograms (CW, HT, YS, HH, YN, KY), pp. 355–358.
ICDAR-2001-OudotPM #recognition- Dynamic Recognition in the Omni-Writer Frame: Application to Hand-Printed Text Recognition (LO, LP, MM), pp. 1035–1039.
CHI-2001-RuiGC- Viewing meeting captured by an omni-directional camera (YR, AG, JJC), pp. 450–457.
ICPR-v1-2000-KawasakiIS #analysis #image- EPI Analysis of Omni-Camera Image (HK, KI, MS), pp. 1379–1383.
ICPR-v3-2000-YamazawaYY #3d #re-engineering #using- 3D Line Segment Reconstruction by Using HyperOmni Vision and Omnidirectional Hough Transforming (KY, YY, MY), pp. 3487–3490.
ICDAR-1999-PrevostM #online #recognition- Non-supervised Determination of Allograph Sub-classes for On-line Omni-scriptor Handwriting Recognition (LP, MM), pp. 438–441.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HickeyKA #distributed #mobile #using- Mobile virtual participation in a distributed meeting using an omni-directional camera system (SH, KK, SA), pp. 533–537.
ICPR-1996-YagiNYY #estimation #image #mobile #using- Rolling motion estimation for mobile robot by using omnidirectional image sensor HyperOmniVision (YY, WN, KY, MY), pp. 946–950.