19 papers:
KDIR-2014-DistanteCVL #learning #online #paradigm #plugin #topic- Enhancing Online Discussion Forums with a Topic-driven Navigational Paradigm — A Plugin for the Moodle Learning Management System (DD, LC, AV, ML), pp. 97–106.
ICSE-2014-NguyenKN #execution #testing #variability #web- Exploring variability-aware execution for testing plugin-based web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 907–918.
KEOD-2013-CalegariCM #owl #plugin- Linguistic-variable Definition in OWL 2 — A Protégé Plugin (SC, DC, MM), pp. 269–277.
PEPM-2012-KarlsenHO #debugging #eclipse #java #plugin- Finding and fixing Java naming bugs with the lancelot eclipse plugin (EKK, EWH, BMØ), pp. 35–38.
SEKE-2012-RodriguesZJGMD #automation #named #product line- PlugSPL: An Automated Environment for Supporting Plugin-based Software Product Lines (EdMR, AFZ, EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM, ARPD), pp. 647–650.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-SantosBC #composition #concept #named #ontology #plugin- FONTE — A Protégé Plugin for Engineering Complex Ontologies by Assembling Modular Ontologies of Space, Time and Domain Concepts (JS, LB, AGC), pp. 93–102.
LDTA-2009-KatsKV10 #composition #domain-specific language #editing #plugin- Domain-Specific Languages for Composable Editor Plugins (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 149–163.
MSR-2008-WermelingerY #eclipse #evolution #plugin- Analyzing the evolution of eclipse plugins (MW, YY), pp. 133–136.
GT-VMT-2006-Varro08 #database #graph transformation #implementation #independence #plugin #query #using- Implementing an EJB3-Specific Graph Transformation Plugin by Using Database Independent Queries (GV), pp. 121–132.
RE-2008-GlorioPMT #analysis #eclipse #named #plugin- DaWaRA: An Eclipse Plugin for Usingi* on Data Warehouse Requirement Analysis (OG, JP, JNM, JT), pp. 317–318.
CAV-2007-CharltonH #analysis #model checking #named #plugin- Hector: Software Model Checking with Cooperating Analysis Plugins (NC, MH), pp. 168–172.
CBSE-2006-CervantesC #architecture #lightweight #product line #using #workflow- Using a Lightweight Workflow Engine in a Plugin-Based Product Line Architecture (HC, SCV), pp. 198–205.
MoDELS-2006-CuadradoM #empirical #model transformation- A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model Transformation (JSC, JGM), pp. 336–350.
MoDELS-2006-CuadradoM #empirical #model transformation- A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model Transformation (JSC, JGM), pp. 336–350.
SAC-2006-BaloghVVP #compilation #model transformation #plugin- Compiling model transformations to EJB3-specific transformer plugins (AB, GV, DV, AP), pp. 1288–1295.
ICSM-IT-2005-VittekBM #c++ #comprehension #java #plugin #refactoring- A collection of C, C++ and Java code understanding and refactoring plugins (MV, PB, PEM), pp. 61–64.
SAS-2005-GlewPG #architecture #optimisation #plugin #type safety- Type-Safe Optimisation of Plugin Architectures (NG, JP, CG), pp. 135–154.
FASE-2004-ChatleyEKMU #plugin #predict- Predictable Dynamic Plugin Systems (RC, SE, JK, JM, SU), pp. 129–143.
DAC-2002-HortaLTP #configuration management #hardware #plugin #runtime- Dynamic hardware plugins in an FPGA with partial run-time reconfiguration (ELH, JWL, DET, DBP), pp. 343–348.