21 papers:
CSCW-2014-KnibbeOCMBEIF #3d- Quick and dirty: streamlined 3D scanning in archaeology (JK, KO, AC, MTM, PDB, GE, SI, MF), pp. 1366–1376.
DUXU-DI-2014-AderholdWCJGK #3d #framework #implementation #novel #towards #web- The Common Implementation Framework as Service — Towards Novel Applications for Streamlined Presentation of 3D Content on the Web (AA, KW, MC, YJ, HG, AK), pp. 3–14.
SLE-2014-Hills #control flow #graph- Streamlining Control Flow Graph Construction with DCFlow (MH), pp. 322–341.
ITiCSE-2013-MacWilliamM #feedback #towards- Streamlining grading toward better feedback (TM, DJM), pp. 147–152.
ICEIS-v1-2013-FeldmanSCA #enterprise #resource management- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems — Streamlining Upgrade Decisions (GF, HS, CC, AA), pp. 128–135.
ITiCSE-2012-BrownPSE #analysis #complexity #generative #named- JUG: a JUnit generation, time complexity analysis and reporting tool to streamline grading (CB, RP, BS, JE), pp. 99–104.
HCI-DDA-2011-ZhengWMZ #design #development #experience #user interface #workflow- Streamlining User Experience Design and Development: Roles, Tasks and Workflow of Applying Rich Application Technologies (XSZ, MW, GM, SZ), pp. 142–151.
CIKM-2011-NambiarFSNR #realtime- Discovering customer intent in real-time for streamlining service desk conversations (UN, TAF, LVS, SN, GR), pp. 1383–1388.
SPLC-2010-FurtadoSR #analysis #game studies #product line- Streamlining Domain Analysis for Digital Games Product Lines (AWBF, ALMS, GLR), pp. 316–330.
PPoPP-2010-DalessandroSS #named- NOrec: streamlining STM by abolishing ownership records (LD, MFS, MLS), pp. 67–78.
DAC-2009-Whipp #architecture #process #verification- Exploiting “architecture for verification” to streamline the verification process (DW), pp. 212–215.
HCI-IDU-2007-HanDTE #case study #design #e-commerce #experience- Streamlining Checkout Experience — A Case Study of Iterative Design of a China e-Commerce Site (AH, JD, WT, BE), pp. 796–801.
DAC-2005-Chatterjee #design #process #verification- Streamline verification process with formal property verification to meet highly compressed design cycle (PC), pp. 674–677.
ICPR-v4-2004-TaguchiOA #performance #using #visual notation- Fast Visual Search Using Simplified Pruning Rules — Streamlined Active Search (ST, SO, HA), pp. 937–940.
RE-2003-Archer #approach- Requirement Tracking: A Streamlined Approach (JEAJ), p. 305.
CHI-2000-Spencer #constraints #development #social- The streamlined cognitive walkthrough method, working around social constraints encountered in a software development company (RS), pp. 353–359.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-BeucheSSS #embedded #object-oriented- Streamlining Object-Oriented Software for Deeply Embedded Applications (DB, WSP, OS, US), pp. 33–44.
SOSP-1995-PuABCCIKWZ #incremental #operating system- Optimistic Incremental Specialization: Streamlining a Commercial Operating System (CP, TA, APB, CC, CC, JI, LK, JW, KZ), pp. 314–324.
OOPSLA-1994-JordanSW #object-oriented #requirements- Streamlining the Project Cycle With Object-Oriented Requirements (RJ, RS, AW), pp. 287–300.
CADE-1990-Pierce #proving #towards- Toward Mechanical Methods for Streamlining Proofs (WP), pp. 351–365.
CSL-1989-PasztorS #theorem- A Streamlined Temporal Completeness Theorem (AP, IS), pp. 322–336.