32 papers:
CASE-2015-TsaiCLT #modelling- Dynamic modeling and vibration suppression of the feed drive system (MST, SJC, CCL, PYT), pp. 106–110.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SamejimaMK #flexibility #resource management- Flexible Peak Shaving in Data Center by Suppression of Application Resource Usage (MS, HTM, NK), pp. 355–360.
ICPR-2014-BrizziGSS #video- Optical Flow Based Expression Suppression in Video (JB, DBG, SS, MS), pp. 1817–1821.
ICPR-2014-BrownFP #detection #self #using- Temporal Non-maximum Suppression for Pedestrian Detection Using Self-Calibration (LMGB, RSF, SP), pp. 2239–2244.
HPCA-2014-FletcherRYDKD #information management #performance #ram #trade-off- Suppressing the Oblivious RAM timing channel while making information leakage and program efficiency trade-offs (CWF, LR, XY, MvD, OK, SD), pp. 213–224.
SIGMOD-2013-WangHRN- Utility-maximizing event stream suppression (DW, YH, EAR, JFN), pp. 589–600.
HCI-III-2013-NovotnyPSP- The Solid Angle of Light Sources and Its Impact on the Suppression of Melatonin in Humans (PN, PP, MJS, HP), pp. 454–463.
CASE-2012-Moon- Input shaping control for suppression of boom vibrations (KSM), pp. 782–785.
SIGMOD-2012-Zhang0D #enterprise- Aggregate suppression for enterprise search engines (MZ, NZ, GD), pp. 469–480.
HILT-2012-EilersK #adaptation #runtime- Adapting ACATS for use with run-time checks suppressed (DE, TK), pp. 97–102.
ICPR-2012-BaradaraniWA #invariant #recognition- Illumination suppression for illumination invariant face recognition (AB, QMJW, MA), pp. 1590–1593.
ICPR-2012-ChenS #multi- Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs (SC, KS), pp. 17–20.
ICPR-2012-ZhangXY #bound #detection #modelling- An improved surround suppression model based on orientation contrast for boundary detection (HZ, BX, JY), pp. 3086–3089.
VLDB-2011-Jin0MD #database #random #web- Randomized Generalization for Aggregate Suppression Over Hidden Web Databases (XJ, NZ, AM, GD), pp. 1099–1110.
ICSM-2008-JeffreyGG #debugging #identification #memory management #using- Identifying the root causes of memory bugs using corrupted memory location suppression (DJ, NG, RG), pp. 356–365.
CIKM-2008-CarvalhoECC #ranking- Suppressing outliers in pairwise preference ranking (VRC, JLE, WWC, JGC), pp. 1487–1488.
VLDB-2007-SilbersteinGMPY #approach- Making Sense of Suppressions and Failures in Sensor Data: A Bayesian Approach (AS, AEG, KM, GP, JY), pp. 842–853.
HCI-AS-2007-ChoK #collaboration #contest #learning- Suppressing Competition in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning System (KC, BK), pp. 208–214.
CASE-2006-ZhangA #functional #simulation- Tremor Suppression of Elbow Joint via Functional Electrical Stimulation: A Simulation Study (DZ, WTA), pp. 182–187.
ICPR-v2-2006-SunV #detection #linear #multi #performance #using- Fast Linear Feature Detection Using Multiple Directional Non-Maximum Suppression (CS, PV), pp. 288–291.
ICPR-v3-2006-NeubeckG #performance- Efficient Non-Maximum Suppression (AN, LJVG), pp. 850–855.
KDD-2006-LoekitoB #diagrams #mining #performance #using- Fast mining of high dimensional expressive contrast patterns using zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (EL, JB), pp. 307–316.
KDD-2006-WangYPYY #concept #data type #mining- Suppressing model overfitting in mining concept-drifting data streams (HW, JY, JP, PSY, JXY), pp. 736–741.
ICPR-v1-2004-SoaresM #analysis- Watershed Lines Suppression by Waterfall Marker Improvement and Line-Neighbourhood Analysis (FS, FM), pp. 604–607.
SAC-2004-DaescuJRS #deployment #multi #reliability- Optimal placement of NAK-suppressing agents for reliable multicast: a partial deployment case (OD, RJ, BR, KS), pp. 334–338.
DATE-2002-AloulMS #satisfiability #search-based #using- Search-Based SAT Using Zero-Suppressed BDDs (FAA, MNM, KAS), p. 1082.
ICPR-v2-2002-BaekD #analysis- Factor Analysis or Background Suppression (KB, BAD), pp. 643–646.
DAC-1994-Minato #algebra #set #using- Calculation of Unate Cube Set Algebra Using Zero-Suppressed BDDs (SiM), pp. 420–424.
DAC-1993-Minato #combinator #problem #set- Zero-Suppressed BDDs for Set Manipulation in Combinatorial Problems (SiM), pp. 272–277.
PODS-1991-MalvestutoMR #2d #information management #statistics- Suppressing Marginal Cells to Protect Sensitive Information in a Two-Dimensional Statistical Table (FMM, MM, MR), pp. 252–258.
DAC-1988-TakamineMNMK #algorithm #development- Clock Event Suppression Algorithm of VELVET and Its Application to S-820 Development (YT, SM, SN, MM, SK), pp. 716–719.
DAC-1983-Ulrich #concurrent #design #simulation #verification- A design verification methodology based on concurrent simulation and clock suppression (EU), pp. 709–712.