4 papers:
- LCT-2015-XueZZ #interactive #modelling
- Human-Human Interaction Modeling of Trainer (HX, WZ, XZ), pp. 528–534.
- CHI-2011-HowisonTRA #concept #interactive #learning
- The mathematical imagery trainer: from embodied interaction to conceptual learning (MH, DT, DR, DA), pp. 1989–1998.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-HuangK #gesture #interactive
- Interactive Demonstration of Pointing Gestures for Virtual Trainers (YH, MK), pp. 178–187.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-MahmoodF #case study #evaluation
- Can Avatars Replace the Trainer? A Case Study Evaluation (AKM, EF), pp. 208–213.