12 papers:
VLDB-2012-XuLGC #analysis #big data #clustering #in the cloud #interactive #named #visual notation- CloudVista: Interactive and Economical Visual Cluster Analysis for Big Data in the Cloud (HX, ZL, SG, KC), pp. 1886–1889.
ICST-2010-ZimmermannNW #predict #security- Searching for a Needle in a Haystack: Predicting Security Vulnerabilities for Windows Vista (TZ, NN, LAW), pp. 421–428.
HCI-NT-2009-Williams #case study #framework #research- Leveraging a User Research Framework to Guide Research Investments: Windows Vista Case Study (GW), pp. 530–539.
ICSE-2009-BirdNDGM #case study #development #distributed #empirical #quality- Does distributed development affect software quality? An empirical case study of Windows Vista (CB, NN, PTD, HG, BM), pp. 518–528.
CGO-2007-GrzegorczykSKW #feedback #using- Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging (CG, SS, CK, RW), pp. 325–340.
SAC-2004-Kincaid #analysis #array #interactive #named #visualisation- VistaClara: an interactive visualization for exploratory analysis of DNA microarrays (RK), pp. 167–174.
ITiCSE-2002-CollbergKMW #algorithm #comprehension #design #named- AlambdagoVista: a tool to enhance algorithm design and understanding (CSC, SGK, JM, SW), p. 228.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-ZhaoCWBEYHDGJ #interactive #named- VISTA: a system for interactive code improvement (WZ, BC, DBW, MWB, RvE, XY, JH, JWD, KG, DLJ), pp. 155–164.
VLDB-2001-BunkerCCMMW #maintenance- Aggregate Maintenance for Data Warehousing in Informix Red Brick Vista (CJB, LSC, RLC, WJM, GM, DW), pp. 659–662.
CHI-1998-BrownGW #design #user interface- The Vista Environment for the Coevolutionary Design of User Interfaces (JB, TCNG, TNW), pp. 376–383.
SOSP-1997-LowellC #transaction- Free Transactions With Rio Vista (DEL, PMC), pp. 92–101.
DAC-1979-GardnerW #modelling #simulation- Hierarchical modeling and simulation in VISTA (RIG, PBW), pp. 403–405.