Tag #type safety
66 papers:
- ICFP-2019-MiraldoS #algorithm #difference #performance
- An efficient algorithm for type-safe structural diffing (VCM, WS), p. 29.
ECOOP-2019-EichholzCFSM #how #programming- How to Avoid Making a Billion-Dollar Mistake: Type-Safe Data Plane Programming with SafeP4 (ME, EC, NF, GS, MM), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2019-CairesT #programming #refinement- Refinement kinds: type-safe programming with practical type-level computation (LC, BT), p. 30.
PPDP-2017-WinantCD #code generation- Expressive and strongly type-safe code generation (TW, JC, DD), pp. 199–210.
GPCE-2017-OishiK #multi #programming #staging- Staging with control: type-safe multi-stage programming with control operators (JO, YK), pp. 29–40.
SLE-2017-ZhangLO #composition #parsing- Type-safe modular parsing (HZ, HL, BCdSO), pp. 2–13.
Haskell-2016-PloegCB #dynamic typing #monad #type system- The Key monad: type-safe unconstrained dynamic typing (AvdP, KC, PB), pp. 146–157.
ECMFA-2016-HeimNRW #composition #static typing #using- Compositional Language Engineering Using Generated, Extensible, Static Type-Safe Visitors (RH, PMSN, BR, AW), pp. 67–82.
CEFP-2015-KoopmanP #domain-specific language #embedded- Type-Safe Functions and Tasks in a Shallow Embedded DSL for Microprocessors (PK, RP), pp. 283–340.
Haskell-2015-McDonellCGN #code generation #runtime- Type-safe runtime code generation: accelerate to LLVM (TLM, MMTC, VG, RRN), pp. 201–212.
SPLC-2015-DudderRH #composition #design #staged #using- Synthesizing type-safe compositions in feature oriented software designs using staged composition (BD, JR, GTH), pp. 398–401.
PEPM-2015-LiWXH #adaptation #api #java #named #towards- SWIN: Towards Type-Safe Java Program Adaptation between APIs (JL, CW, YX, ZH), pp. 91–102.
Haskell-2014-EkbladC #programming #web- A seamless, client-centric programming model for type safe web applications (AE, KC), pp. 79–89.
OOPSLA-2013-DeLozierENOMZ #c++ #set- Ironclad C++: a library-augmented type-safe subset of c++ (CD, RAE, SN, PMO, MMKM, SZ), pp. 287–304.
ICMT-2012-GeorgeWS #domain-specific language #model transformation #scala #transformation language- Type-Safe Model Transformation Languages as Internal DSLs in Scala (LG, AW, MS), pp. 160–175.
SLE-2012-HillsKV #metalanguage- Meta-language Support for Type-Safe Access to External Resources (MH, PK, JJV), pp. 372–391.
BX-2011-Cunha #evolution #spreadsheet- Type-safe Evolution of Spreadsheets (JC), p. 55.
PEPM-2011-PlasmeijerAKLNG #evolution #runtime #workflow- iTasks for a change: type-safe run-time change in dynamically evolving workflows (RP, PA, PWMK, BL, TvN, JHGvG), pp. 151–160.
FASE-2011-CunhaVAS #evolution #spreadsheet- Type-Safe Evolution of Spreadsheets (JC, JV, TLA, JS), pp. 186–201.
ECOOP-2010-HuKPYH #java- Type-Safe Eventful Sessions in Java (RH, DK, OP, NY, KH), pp. 329–353.
OOPSLA-2010-WegielK - Cross-language, type-safe, and transparent object sharing for co-located managed runtimes (MW, CK), pp. 223–240.
PEPM-2010-RudolphT #bytecode #code generation #named #runtime- Mnemonics: type-safe bytecode generation at run time (JR, PT), pp. 15–24.
PLDI-2010-YangH #automation #operating system #verification- Safe to the last instruction: automated verification of a type-safe operating system (JY, CH), pp. 99–110.
Haskell-2009-Gill #haskell- Type-safe observable sharing in Haskell (AG), pp. 117–128.
SIGAda-2009-Mentis #ada #api- A robotics API dialect for type-safe robots: translating Myro to Ada (ASM), pp. 91–102.
SAC-2009-GroppeNL #java #named #query #rdf #satisfiability #semantics #web- SWOBE — embedding the semantic web languages RDF, SPARQL and SPARUL into java for guaranteeing type safety, for checking the satisfiability of queries and for the determination of query result types (SG, JN, VL), pp. 1239–1246.
IFL-2008-TellerSV #fault #lightweight #ml #performance #polymorphism- Catch Me If You Can — Looking for Type-Safe, Hierarchical, Lightweight, Polymorphic and Efficient Error Management in OCaml (DT, AS, TV), pp. 249–271.
OOPSLA-2008-OliveiraWG #component #reuse #visitor- The visitor pattern as a reusable, generic, type-safe component (BCdSO, MW, JG), pp. 439–456.
AdaEurope-2008-VilloingB #database #interface- A Type-Safe Database Interface (FV, EB), pp. 144–157.
PLDI-2008-WegielK #communication #coordination #memory management #named- XMem: type-safe, transparent, shared memory for cross-runtime communication and coordination (MW, CK), pp. 327–338.
CGO-2008-MurphyMSSA - Fault-safe code motion for type-safe languages (BRM, VM, FTS, TS, ARAT), pp. 144–154.
PDP-2008-CaromelHL #algorithm- Type Safe Algorithmic Skeletons (DC, LH, ML), pp. 45–53.
ICFP-2007-Park #higher-order- Type-safe higher-order channels in ML-like languages (SP), pp. 191–202.
PPDP-2007-Skalka #data access #virtual machine- Type safe dynamic linking for JVM access control (CS), pp. 51–62.
FM-2006-CunhaOV #data transformation- Type-Safe Two-Level Data Transformation (AC, JNO, JV), pp. 284–299.
OOPSLA-2006-WasserrabNST #c++ #inheritance #multi #semantics- An operational semantics and type safety prooffor multiple inheritance in C++ (DW, TN, GS, FT), pp. 345–362.
OSDI-2006-SivathanuSZ - Type-Safe Disks (GS, SS, EZ), pp. 15–28.
ESOP-2006-Fruja #dot-net #runtime- Type Safety of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime (NGF), pp. 325–341.
PLDI-2005-FurrF - Checking type safety of foreign function calls (MF, JSF), pp. 62–72.
SAS-2005-GlewPG #architecture #optimisation #plugin- Type-Safe Optimisation of Plugin Architectures (NG, JP, CG), pp. 135–154.
AFP-2004-AchtenEPW04 #agile #interactive #named #prototype #tool support- GEC: A Toolkit for Generic Rapid Prototyping of Type Safe Interactive Applications (PA, MCJDvE, RP, AvW), pp. 210–244.
Haskell-2004-BaarsS - Type-safe, self inspecting code (AIB, SDS), pp. 69–79.
SAC-2004-SurazhskyG #c++- Type-safe covariance in C++ (VS, JYG), pp. 1496–1502.
DocEng-2003-ScheffczykBRS #consistency #documentation #formal method #repository- Consistent document engineering: formalizing type-safe consistency rules for heterogeneous repositories (JS, UMB, PR, LS), pp. 140–149.
ESOP-2003-ErwigR #programming- Programming Type-Safe Program Updates (ME, DR), pp. 269–283.
ICLP-2003-Morrisett #low level- Achieving Type Safety for Low-Level Code (JGM), pp. 1–2.
ECOOP-2002-GlewP - Type-Safe Method Inlining (NG, JP), pp. 525–544.
ECOOP-2002-Zenger #component #evolution #prototype- Type-Safe Prototype-Based Component Evolution (MZ), pp. 470–497.
POPL-2002-NeculaMW #legacy #named- CCured: type-safe retrofitting of legacy code (GCN, SM, WW), pp. 128–139.
ICFP-2001-DimockWMTW #ml #standard- Functioning without Closure: Type-Safe Customized Function Representations for Standard ML (AD, IW, RM, FAT, JBW), pp. 14–25.
ICFP-2001-GanzST #generative #metaprogramming #multi- Macros as Multi-Stage Computations: Type-Safe, Generative, Binding Macros in MacroML (SEG, AS, WT), pp. 74–85.
PLDI-2001-AmmeDFR #named #representation- SafeTSA: A Type Safe and Referentially Secure Mobile-Code Representation Based on Static Single Assignment Form (WA, ND, MF, JvR), pp. 137–147.
ICFP-2000-Weirich #functional- Type-safe cast: functional pearl (SW), pp. 58–67.
ECOOP-2000-MalabarbaPGBB #java #runtime- Runtime Support for Type-Safe Dynamic Java Classes (SM, RP, JG, ETB, JFB), pp. 337–361.
ECOOP-1999-Kniesel #adaptation #component #runtime- Type-Safe Delegation for Run-Time Component Adaptation (GK), pp. 351–366.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-SchmolitzkyEKM #how #question- How Can Covariance in Pragmatical Class Methods be Made Statically Type-Safe? (AS, ME, JLK, GM), pp. 200–209.
POPL-1999-GlewM #assembly #composition- Type-Safe Linking and Modular Assembly Language (NG, JGM), pp. 250–261.
ICALP-1998-TahaBS #axiom #multi #programming- Multi-Stage Programming: Axiomatization and Type Safety (WT, ZEAB, TS), pp. 918–929.
POPL-1998-NipkowO #java- JavaNone is Type-Safe — Definitely (TN, DvO), pp. 161–170.
ICFP-1997-LaunchburyS #axiom #monad- Monadic State: Axiomatization and Type Safety (JL, AS), pp. 227–238.
ECOOP-1997-DrossopoulouE #java- Java is Type Safe — Probably (SD, SE), pp. 389–418.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-WongC #multi- Method Dispatching and Type Safety for Objects with Multiple Roles (RKW, HLC), pp. 286–296.
ECOOP-1996-BoylandC #compilation- Type-Safe Compilation of Covariant Specialization: A Practical Case (JB, GC), pp. 3–25.
ECOOP-1995-BruceSG #named #object-oriented #polymorphism- PolyTOIL: A Type-Safe Polymorphic Object-Oriented Language (KBB, AS, RvG), pp. 27–51.
ECOOP-1991-PalsbergS #question #reuse #what- What is Type-Safe Code Reuse? (JP, MIS), pp. 325–341.
ECOOP-1989-Cook #eiffel- A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe (WRC), pp. 57–70.