Travelled to:
1 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Guestrin ∅ D.Bickson G.E.Blelloch J.K.Bradley Y.Low J.Gonzalez J.M.Hellerstein
Talks about:
graph (3) just (2) framework (1) distribut (1) parallel (1) drunkard (1) regular (1) descent (1) coordin (1) billion (1)
Person: Aapo Kyrola
DBLP: Kyrola:Aapo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- RecSys-2013-Kyrola #named #random
- DrunkardMob: billions of random walks on just a PC (AK), pp. 257–264.
- OSDI-2012-KyrolaBG #graph #named #scalability
- GraphChi: Large-Scale Graph Computation on Just a PC (AK, GEB, CG), pp. 31–46.
- VLDB-2012-LowGKBGH #distributed #framework #in the cloud #machine learning
- Distributed GraphLab: A Framework for Machine Learning in the Cloud (YL, JG, AK, DB, CG, JMH), pp. 716–727.
- ICML-2011-BradleyKBG #coordination #parallel
- Parallel Coordinate Descent for L1-Regularized Loss Minimization (JKB, AK, DB, CG), pp. 321–328.