Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Germany
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Pei C.Tang D.Jiang J.Gao T.V.Johnson M.Ramanathan B.K.Bhargava Y.Shi Y.Song G.Sheikholeslami S.Chatterjee X.Jia N.Du L.Ge X.Li W.Hwang T.Kim M.H.Nodine O.A.Bukhres N.Londhe V.Gopalakrishnan H.Q.Ngo R.K.Srihari M.Annamalai S.Goel S.Li E.Pitoura Y.Zhang
Talks about:
gene (7) mine (6) data (6) express (4) cluster (3) multi (3) dimension (2) communiti (2) phenotyp (2) interact (2)
Person: Aidong Zhang
DBLP: Zhang:Aidong
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- CIKM-2014-JiaDGZ #analysis #community #network
- Analysis on Community Variational Trend in Dynamic Networks (XJ, ND, JG, AZ), pp. 151–160.
- VLDB-2014-LondheGZNS #community #detection
- Matching Titles with Cross Title Web-Search Enrichment and Community Detection (NL, VG, AZ, HQN, RKS), pp. 1167–1178.
- KDD-2013-GeGLZ #estimation #learning #multi
- Multi-source deep learning for information trustworthiness estimation (LG, JG, XL, AZ), pp. 766–774.
- KDD-2008-HwangKRZ #graph #mining
- Bridging centrality: graph mining from element level to group level (WH, TK, MR, AZ), pp. 336–344.
- KDD-2005-PeiJZ #clique #mining #on the
- On mining cross-graph quasi-cliques (JP, DJ, AZ), pp. 228–238.
- KDD-2004-JiangPRTZ #array #clustering #mining
- Mining coherent gene clusters from gene-sample-time microarray data (DJ, JP, MR, CT, AZ), pp. 430–439.
- VLDB-2004-JiangPZ #interactive #mining #named
- GPX: Interactive Mining of Gene Expression Data (DJ, JP, AZ), pp. 1249–1252.
- CIKM-2003-TangZ #mining #multi
- Mining multiple phenotype structures underlying gene expression profiles (CT, AZ), pp. 418–425.
- KDD-2003-JiangPZ #interactive
- Interactive exploration of coherent patterns in time-series gene expression data (DJ, JP, AZ), pp. 565–570.
- KDD-2003-TangZP #mining
- Mining phenotypes and informative genes from gene expression data (CT, AZ, JP), pp. 655–660.
- VLDB-2003-ShiSZ #approach #data analysis #multi
- A Shrinking-Based Approach for Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis (YS, YS, AZ), pp. 440–451.
- CIKM-2002-TangZ #set
- An iterative strategy for pattern discovery in high-dimensional data sets (CT, AZ), pp. 10–17.
- VLDB-1998-SheikholeslamiCZ #approach #clustering #database #multi #named #scalability
- WaveCluster: A Multi-Resolution Clustering Approach for Very Large Spatial Databases (GS, SC, AZ), pp. 428–439.
- SIGMOD-1994-ZhangNBB #flexibility #multi #transaction
- Ensuring Relaxed Atomicity for Flexible Transactions in Multidatabase Systems (AZ, MHN, BKB, OAB), pp. 67–78.
- DL-1994-BhargavaAGLPZZ #library #named
- DL-Raid: An Environment for Supporting Digital Library Services (BKB, MA, SG, SL, EP, AZ, YZ), pp. 281–300.
- ADL-1997-ZhangJ #education #framework #library #multi
- A Framework for Supporting Quality-Based Multimedia Presentation in Educational Digital Libraries (AZ, TVJ), pp. 102–113.