Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
L.Shi J.G.K.Foss ∅ S.Hadzidedic D.A.Qudah H.Ashman C.D.Stewart P.Cristea
Talks about:
adapt (5) hypermedia (3) evalu (3) system (2) social (2) design (2) author (2) learn (2) generat (1) convers (1)
Person: Alexandra I. Cristea
DBLP: Cristea:Alexandra_I=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGITE-2014-ShiCH #design #social
- The critical role of profiles in social e-learning design (LS, AIC, SH), pp. 71–76.
- ITiCSE-2013-ShiQC #adaptation #design #personalisation #social
- Designing social personalized adaptive e-learning (LS, DAQ, AIC), p. 341.
- HT-2010-FossC #adaptation #authoring #generative #hypermedia #tool support #using
- The next generation authoring adaptive hypermedia: using and evaluating the MOT3.0 and PEAL tools (JGKF, AIC), pp. 83–92.
- HT-2005-CristeaASC #adaptation #evaluation #hypermedia
- Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia systems’ conversion (AIC, HA, CDS, PC), pp. 129–131.
- SAC-2004-Cristea #adaptation #authoring #education #hypermedia
- Evaluating adaptive hypermedia authoring while teaching adaptive systems (AIC), pp. 929–934.