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Open Knowledge
XHTML 1.0 W3C Rec
CSS 2.1 W3C CanRec
email twitter
Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × The Netherlands
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.J.Brailsford M.Truran D.Martin J.Goulding A.Pourabdollah P.J.Nürnberg M.Antunovic D.Zhou S.Salehi J.T.Du G.Caon A.I.Cristea C.D.Stewart P.Cristea A.Moore L.Yao Q.Z.Sheng A.H.H.Ngu X.Li S.Chaprasit G.Smith
Talks about:
hypermedia (3) web (3) hypertext (2) system (2) search (2) associ (2) link (2) sup (2) understand (1) blogospher (1)

Person: Helen Ashman

DBLP DBLP: Ashman:Helen

Facilitated 2 volumes:

Hypertext 2007Ed
HT 2003Ed

Contributed to:

HT 20152015
SIGIR 20142014
HT 20132013
HT 20112011
HT 20102010
Hypertext 20082008
SAC 20082008
Hypertext 20052005
Hypertext 20042004
HT 20022002
HT 19991999

Wrote 13 papers:

HT-2015-SalehiDA #personalisation #web
Examining Personalization in Academic Web Search (SS, JTD, HA), pp. 103–111.
SIGIR-2014-YaoSNAL #internet #recommendation
Exploring recommendations in internet of things (LY, QZS, AHHN, HA, XL), pp. 855–858.
HT-2013-AntunovicCTA #interactive #semantics #web
Discovering semantic associations from web search interactions (MA, GC, MT, HA), pp. 202–207.
Implicit association via crowd-sourced coselection (HA, MA, SC, GS, MT), pp. 7–16.
HT-2010-GouldingBA #comprehension #hypermedia
Hyperorders and transclusion: understanding dimensional hypertext (JG, TJB, HA), pp. 201–210.
HT-2008-PourabdollahAB #approach #hypermedia #rdf #xml
Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag (AP, HA, TJB), pp. 241–242.
HT-2008-ZhouTBAP #authoring #automation #named
Llama-b: automatic hyperlink authoring in the blogosphere (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, AP), pp. 133–138.
SAC-2008-ZhouTBAG #ambiguity #graph #named #query
Gcon: a graph-based technique for resolving ambiguity in query translation candidates (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, JG), pp. 1566–1573.
HT-2005-CristeaASC #adaptation #evaluation #hypermedia
Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia systems’ conversion (AIC, HA, CDS, PC), pp. 129–131.
The end-point is not enough (DM, MT, HA), pp. 128–129.
HT-2004-MooreGBA #case study #hypermedia
Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system (AM, JG, TJB, HA), pp. 143–152.
HT-2002-MartinA #named
Goate: XLink and beyond (DM, HA), pp. 142–143.
HT-1999-NurnbergA #hypermedia #research #web #what
What Was the Question? Reconciling Open Hypermedia and World Wide Web Research (PJN, HA), pp. 83–90.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.