Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Gulwani J.S.Foster R.Venkatesan Y.Pu R.Bodík N.Rajput M.Larson A.Singh S.Chaudhuri Mahelaqua S.Basson K.Srivastava J.C.Thomas A.S.Köksal J.Fisher N.Piterman
Talks about:
program (7) synthesi (4) verif (3) constraint (2) abstract (2) spoken (2) predic (2) base (2) tendulkar (1) communiti (1)
Person: Saurabh Srivastava
DBLP: Srivastava:Saurabh
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CSCW-2013-LarsonRSS #exclamation #game studies #student
- I want to be Sachin Tendulkar!: a spoken english cricket game for rural students (ML, NR, AS, SS), pp. 1353–1364.
- CSCW-2013-MahelaquaBRSST #web
- Community-oriented spoken web browser for low iiterate users (M, SB, NR, KS, SS, JCT), pp. 503–514.
- POPL-2013-KoksalPSBFP #biology #modelling #synthesis
- Synthesis of biological models from mutation experiments (ASK, YP, SS, RB, JF, NP), pp. 469–482.
- OOPSLA-2011-PuBS #algorithm #first-order #programming #synthesis
- Synthesis of first-order dynamic programming algorithms (YP, RB, SS), pp. 83–98.
- PLDI-2011-SrivastavaGCF #induction #synthesis
- Path-based inductive synthesis for program inversion (SS, SG, SC, JSF), pp. 492–503.
- POPL-2010-SrivastavaGF #synthesis #verification
- From program verification to program synthesis (SS, SG, JSF), pp. 313–326.
- CAV-2009-SrivastavaGF #named #smt #verification
- VS3: SMT Solvers for Program Verification (SS, SG, JSF), pp. 702–708.
- PLDI-2009-SrivastavaG #abstraction #using #verification
- Program verification using templates over predicate abstraction (SS, SG), pp. 223–234.
- VMCAI-2009-GulwaniSV #abstraction #constraints #invariant
- Constraint-Based Invariant Inference over Predicate Abstraction (SG, SS, RV), pp. 120–135.
- PLDI-2008-GulwaniSV #constraints #program analysis #theorem proving
- Program analysis as constraint solving (SG, SS, RV), pp. 281–292.