Travelled to:
3 × France
Collaborated with:
A.Bartolini L.Benini M.Cacciari C.Conficoni G.Tecchiolli R.Diversi F.Beneventi
Talks about:
thermal (2) energi (2) model (2) cool (2) supercomput (1) distribut (1) multicor (1) predict (1) perform (1) identif (1)
Person: Andrea Tilli
DBLP: Tilli:Andrea
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2015-ConficoniBTTB #energy
- Energy-aware cooling for hot-water cooled supercomputers (CC, AB, AT, GT, LB), pp. 1353–1358.
- DATE-2013-DiversiBTBB #identification
- SCC thermal model identification via advanced bias-compensated least-squares (RD, AB, AT, FB, LB), pp. 230–235.
- DATE-2011-BartoliniCTB #distributed #energy #multi #predict #self
- A distributed and self-calibrating model-predictive controller for energy and thermal management of high-performance multicores (AB, MC, AT, LB), pp. 830–835.