Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Romania
1 × Spain
2 × Germany
2 × Hungary
3 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Mens C.Noguera C.D.Roover V.Jonckers T.D'Hondt K.D.Schutter A.Lozano J.Brichau L.Jorissen B.V.Passel J.Fabry S.Ducasse J.Krinke G.Arévalo K.Gybels F.Pluquet R.Wuyts R.Stevens H.Doggen
Talks about:
code (8) sourc (7) regular (5) structur (4) aspect (4) intensi (3) annot (3) framework (2) document (2) verifi (2)
Person: Andy Kellens
DBLP: Kellens:Andy
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- ICPC-2012-NogueraRKJ #query #uml
- Code querying by UML (CN, CDR, AK, VJ), pp. 229–238.
- ICSM-2012-NogueraKRJ #refactoring
- Refactoring in the presence of annotations (CN, AK, CDR, VJ), pp. 337–346.
- ASE-2011-LozanoKM #named #recommendation #search-based #source code
- Mendel: Source code recommendation based on a genetic metaphor (AL, AK, KM), pp. 384–387.
- ICPC-2011-FabryKD #named #scalability #visualisation
- AspectMaps: A Scalable Visualization of Join Point Shadows (JF, AK, SD), pp. 121–130.
- ICSM-2011-NogueraRKJ #query
- Program querying with a SOUL: The BARISTA tool suite (CN, CDR, AK, VJ), pp. 582–585.
- WCRE-2011-KellensRNSJ #evolution #quantifier #reasoning #source code #using
- Reasoning over the Evolution of Source Code Using Quantified Regular Path Expressions (AK, CDR, CN, RS, VJ), pp. 389–393.
- CSMR-2010-KellensNSRD #co-evolution #source code
- Co-evolving Annotations and Source Code through Smart Annotations (AK, CN, KDS, CDR, TD), pp. 117–126.
- ICSM-2010-KellensNDJP #cobol #design #outsourcing #verification
- Verifying the design of an outsourced COBOL system with IntensiVE (AK, CN, TD, LJ, BVP), pp. 1–8.
- WCRE-2010-LozanoKMA #mining #source code
- Mining Source Code for Structural Regularities (AL, AK, KM, GA), pp. 22–31.
- CSMR-2009-KellensSDJP #cobol #design #framework #named #verification
- Cognac: A Framework for Documenting and Verifying the Design of Cobol Systems (AK, KDS, TD, LJ, BVP), pp. 199–208.
- ASE-2008-BrichauKM #source code #using
- Enforcing Structural Regularities in Source Code using IntensiVE (JB, AK, KM), pp. 471–472.
- ICSM-2008-KellensSDJD #aspect-oriented #case study #experience
- Experiences in modularizing business rules into aspects (AK, KDS, TD, VJ, HD), pp. 448–451.
- WCRE-2008-MensKK #mining
- Pitfalls in Aspect Mining (KM, AK, JK), pp. 113–122.
- CSMR-2006-MensK #source code
- IntensiVE, a toolsuite for documenting and checking structural source-code regularities (KM, AK), pp. 239–248.
- ECOOP-2006-KellensMBG #aspect-oriented #evolution #modelling
- Managing the Evolution of Aspect-Oriented Software with Model-Based Pointcuts (AK, KM, JB, KG), pp. 501–525.
- ICSM-2005-MensK #framework #source code #testing #towards
- Towards a Framework for Testing Structural Source-Code Regularities (KM, AK), pp. 679–682.
- ICSM-IT-2005-MensKPW
- The Intensional View Environment (KM, AK, FP, RW), pp. 81–84.