Collaborated with:
G.H.Leazer C.L.Borgman R.Gazan K.A.Millwood L.Champeny J.R.Finley L.J.Smart L.D'Avolio P.D.Mautone R.E.Mayer R.A.Johnson
Talks about:
digit (6) librari (4) design (3) evalu (3) undergradu (2) geographi (2) classroom (2) geograph (2) environ (2) adept (2)
Person: Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland
DBLP: Gilliland-Swetland:Anne_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ECDL-2001-BorgmanLGG #case study #design #evaluation #library #prototype #student
- Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Geographic Digital Library for University Students: A Case Study of the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT) (CLB, GHL, AJGS, RG), pp. 390–401.
- DL-2000-LeazerGB #library
- Evaluating the use of a geographic digital library in undergraduate classrooms: ADEPT (GHL, AJGS, CLB), pp. 248–249.
- JCDL-2001-Gilliland-SwetlandL #library #named
- Iscapes: digital libraries environments for the promotion of scientific thinking by undergraduates in geography (AJGS, GHL), pp. 120–121.
- JCDL-2004-BorgmanLGMCFS #design #how #library
- How geography professors select materials for classroom lectures: implications for the design of digital libraries (CLB, GHL, AJGS, KAM, LC, JRF, LJS), pp. 179–185.
- JCDL-2004-ChampenyBLGMDFSMMJ #design #evaluation #implementation #learning #process
- Developing a digital learning environment: an evaluation of design and implementation processes (LC, CLB, GHL, AJGS, KAM, LD, JRF, LJS, PDM, REM, RAJ), pp. 37–46.