Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Billinghurst T.Z.Strybel K.L.Vu J.M.Kraut C.A.Morgan R.C.Rorie V.Battiste D.Chiappe L.P.Bacon G.Morales K.Monk
Talks about:
effect (3) workload (2) situat (2) train (2) tool (2) next (2) awar (2) gen (2) preliminari (1) investig (1)
Person: Ariana Kiken
DBLP: Kiken:Ariana
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HIMI-v2-2011-KikenRBBKSVB #online #performance #tool support
- Effect of ATC Training with NextGen Tools and Online Situation Awareness and Workload Probes on Operator Performance (AK, RCR, LPB, SB, JMK, TZS, KPLV, VB), pp. 483–492.
- HIMI-v2-2011-KrautKBMSCV #effectiveness
- Effects of Data Communications Failure on Air Traffic Controller Sector Management Effectiveness, Situation Awareness, and Workload (JMK, AK, SB, CAM, TZS, DC, KPLV), pp. 493–499.
- HIMI-v2-2011-RorieKMBMMVSB #order #tool support
- A Preliminary Investigation of Training Order for Introducing NextGen Tools (RCR, AK, CAM, SB, GM, KM, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 526–533.