Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Kriegel P.Kröger E.Schubert E.Achtert C.Böhm T.Emrich A.Züfle K.A.Schmid M.Schubert M.Gaudet R.J.G.B.Campello J.Sander K.Kailing A.Koos N.Mamoulis M.Renz
Talks about:
cluster (8) data (5) outlier (3) detect (3) correl (3) uncertain (2) dimension (2) high (2) base (2) unsupervis (1)
Person: Arthur Zimek
DBLP: Zimek:Arthur
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- VLDB-2015-SchubertKEZSZ #clustering #framework #nondeterminism
- A Framework for Clustering Uncertain Data (ES, AK, TE, AZ, KAS, AZ), pp. 1976–1987.
- KDD-2014-ZufleESMZR #clustering #nondeterminism
- Representative clustering of uncertain data (AZ, TE, KAS, NM, AZ, MR), pp. 243–252.
- KDD-2013-ZimekGCS #detection #effectiveness #performance
- Subsampling for efficient and effective unsupervised outlier detection ensembles (AZ, MG, RJGBC, JS), pp. 428–436.
- SIGMOD-2013-AchtertKSZ #3d #coordination #data mining #interactive #mining
- Interactive data mining with 3D-parallel-coordinate-trees (EA, HPK, ES, AZ), pp. 1009–1012.
- CIKM-2009-KriegelKSZ #named
- LoOP: local outlier probabilities (HPK, PK, ES, AZ), pp. 1649–1652.
- KDD-2008-KriegelSZ #detection
- Angle-based outlier detection in high-dimensional data (HPK, MS, AZ), pp. 444–452.
- VLDB-2008-KriegelKZ #clustering #correlation #detection
- Detecting clusters in moderate-to-high dimensional data: subspace clustering, pattern-based clustering, and correlation clustering (HPK, PK, AZ), pp. 1528–1529.
- KDD-2006-AchtertBKKZ #clustering #correlation #modelling
- Deriving quantitative models for correlation clusters (EA, CB, HPK, PK, AZ), pp. 4–13.
- SIGMOD-2004-BohmKKZ #clustering #correlation
- Computing Clusters of Correlation Connected Objects (CB, KK, PK, AZ), pp. 455–466.