Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
2 × Germany
2 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
H.Samet D.Carmel E.Amitay ∅ R.Lempel R.Sivan N.Har'El E.Farchi M.Herscovici Y.S.Maarek A.Folkers D.N.Zotkin Y.Petruschka G.Mishne R.Hoory A.Roytman R.Nelken W.Niblack A.Z.Broder J.Y.Zien A.Darlow M.Mandelbrod Y.Mass S.Ofek-Koifman S.Yogev N.Golbandi D.Cohen R.Fagin
Talks about:
use (7) queri (6) retriev (3) pictori (3) system (3) imag (3) similar (2) process (2) automat (2) search (2)
Person: Aya Soffer
DBLP: Soffer:Aya
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- HT-2009-AmitayCHOSYG #approach #social #using
- Social search and discovery using a unified approach (EA, DC, NH, SOK, AS, SY, NG), pp. 199–208.
- CIKM-2005-MishneCHRS #analysis #automation
- Automatic analysis of call-center conversations (GM, DC, RH, AR, AS), pp. 453–459.
- SIGIR-2004-AmitayCLS #evaluation #scalability #set #using
- Scaling IR-system evaluation using term relevance sets (EA, DC, RL, AS), pp. 10–17.
- SIGIR-2004-AmitayHSS #named #web
- Web-a-where: geotagging web content (EA, NH, RS, AS), pp. 273–280.
- CIKM-2003-AmitayNNSS #ambiguity #multi
- Multi-resolution disambiguation of term occurrences (EA, RN, WN, RS, AS), pp. 255–262.
- CIKM-2003-BroderCHSZ #evaluation #performance #process #query #retrieval #using
- Efficient query evaluation using a two-level retrieval process (AZB, DC, MH, AS, JYZ), pp. 426–434.
- HT-2003-AmitayCDLS #detection
- The connectivity sonar: detecting site functionality by structural patterns (EA, DC, AD, RL, AS), pp. 38–47.
- SIGIR-2003-CarmelMMMS #documentation #xml
- Searching XML documents via XML fragments (DC, YSM, MM, YM, AS), pp. 151–158.
- SIGIR-2002-CarmelFPS #automation #information management #query #refinement #using
- Automatic query refinement using lexical affinities with maximal information gain (DC, EF, YP, AS), pp. 283–290.
- SIGIR-2001-SofferCCFFHM #information retrieval
- Static Index Pruning for Information Retrieval Systems (AS, DC, DC, RF, EF, MH, YSM), pp. 43–50.
- ICPR-v4-2000-FolkersSS #multi #query #using
- Processing Pictorial Queries with Multiple Instances Using Isomorphic Subgraphs (AF, HS, AS), pp. 4051–4054.
- ICPR-1998-SofferS #similarity #using
- Using negative shape features for logo similarity matching (AS, HS), pp. 571–573.
- ICPR-1998-SofferSZ #database #image #query #specification
- Pictorial query trees for query specification in image databases (AS, HS, DNZ), pp. 919–921.
- ICDAR-1997-Soffer #categorisation #image #using
- Image Categorization Using Texture Features (AS), pp. 233–237.
- ICPR-1996-SofferS #image #query #similarity
- Pictorial queries by image similarity (AS, HS), pp. 114–119.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-SametS #retrieval
- A map acquisition, storage, indexing, and retrieval system (HS, AS), pp. 992–996.