Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Ireland
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.A.Baeza-Yates F.P.Junqueira R.Ozcan I.S.Altingövde Ö.Ulusoy X.Bai S.Tatikonda V.Plachouras R.Blanco I.Arapakis V.Leroy S.Alici E.Kayaaslan C.Aykanat A.G.Vural P.Senkul S.Jonassen F.Silvestri I.K.Paparrizos A.Gionis H.Zaragoza F.Bonchi G.Tran A.Turk W.Nejdl F.Junqueira M.Barreda-Ángeles A.Pereda-Baños F.B.Sazoglu I.Kelly E.Varol E.Sarigil
Talks about:
search (15) web (11) engin (9) result (7) queri (5) cach (4) distribut (3) impact (3) effici (3) user (3)
Person: Berkant Barla Cambazoglu
DBLP: Cambazoglu:Berkant_Barla
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-Barreda-Angeles #behaviour #latency
- Unconscious Physiological Effects of Search Latency on Users and Their Click Behaviour (MBÁ, IA, XB, BBC, APB), pp. 203–212.
- SIGIR-2015-TranTCN #optimisation #random #ranking #web
- A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking (GT, AT, BBC, WN), pp. 153–162.
- SIGIR-2014-ArapakisBC #behaviour #latency #web
- Impact of response latency on user behavior in web search (IA, XB, BBC), pp. 103–112.
- SIGIR-2014-CambazogluB #challenge #performance #scalability #web
- Scalability and efficiency challenges in large-scale web search engines (BBC, RABY), p. 1285.
- SIGIR-2013-CambazogluB #challenge #performance #scalability #web
- Scalability and efficiency challenges in commercial web search engines (BBC, RABY), p. 1124.
- SIGIR-2013-SazogluCOAU #metric
- A financial cost metric for result caching (FBS, BBC, RO, ISA, ÖU), pp. 873–876.
- CIKM-2012-AltingovdeBCOSU #query #web
- Characterizing web search queries that match very few or no results (ISA, RB, BBC, RO, ES, ÖU), pp. 2000–2004.
- CIKM-2012-VuralCS #crawling #sentiment #web
- Sentiment-focused web crawling (AGV, BBC, PS), pp. 2020–2024.
- ECIR-2012-AliciAOCU #adaptation #query #web
- Adaptive Time-to-Live Strategies for Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines (SA, ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 401–412.
- SIGIR-2012-JonassenCS #query
- Prefetching query results and its impact on search engines (SJ, BBC, FS), pp. 631–640.
- CIKM-2011-BaiCJ #feedback
- Discovering URLs through user feedback (XB, BBC, FPJ), pp. 77–86.
- CIKM-2011-BlancoCJKL #distributed #documentation
- Assigning documents to master sites in distributed search (RB, BBC, FPJ, IK, VL), pp. 67–76.
- ECIR-2011-AltingovdeOCU #approach #hybrid
- Second Chance: A Hybrid Approach for Dynamic Result Caching in Search Engines (ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 510–516.
- RecSys-2011-PaparrizosCG #recommendation
- Machine learned job recommendation (IKP, BBC, AG), pp. 325–328.
- SIGIR-2011-AliciAOCU #web
- Timestamp-based result cache invalidation for web search engines (SA, ISA, RO, BBC, ÖU), pp. 973–982.
- SIGIR-2011-KayaaslanCBJA #energy #multi #query #web
- Energy-price-driven query processing in multi-center web search engines (EK, BBC, RB, FPJ, CA), pp. 983–992.
- SIGIR-2011-TatikondaCJ #architecture #manycore
- Posting list intersection on multicore architectures (ST, BBC, FPJ), pp. 963–972.
- CIKM-2010-ZaragozaCB #question #ranking #web
- Web search solved?: all result rankings the same? (HZ, BBC, RABY), pp. 529–538.
- KDD-2010-LeroyCB #predict
- Cold start link prediction (VL, BBC, FB), pp. 393–402.
- SIGIR-2010-CambazogluVKAB #distributed #query
- Query forwarding in geographically distributed search engines (BBC, EV, EK, CA, RABY), pp. 90–97.
- SIGIR-2009-CambazogluPB #distributed #performance #quality #web
- Quantifying performance and quality gains in distributed web search engines (BBC, VP, RABY), pp. 411–418.
- SIGIR-2009-TatikondaJCP #manycore #on the #performance
- On efficient posting list intersection with multicore processors (ST, FJ, BBC, VP), pp. 738–739.