Travelled to:
1 × Italy
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.J.Vicente A.Gujar J.A.Landay R.Want K.P.Fishkin K.Patel J.Fogarty H.Ishii W.Buxton J.Froehlich P.V.Klasnja S.Consolvo A.Adler K.O'Hara A.Sellen C.Mochon E.C.Larson G.Cohn S.Gupta X.Ren D.Fox S.Patel T.Dillahunt J.Mankoff D.W.McDonald T.Toscos M.Y.Chen A.LaMarca L.LeGrand R.Libby I.E.Smith
Talks about:
user (3) transpar (2) investig (2) interfac (2) design (2) green (2) evalu (2) tool (2) read (2) experiment (1)
Person: Beverly L. Harrison
DBLP: Harrison:Beverly_L=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CHI-2011-LarsonCGRHFP #interactive #named
- HeatWave: thermal imaging for surface user interaction (ECL, GC, SG, XR, BLH, DF, SP), pp. 2565–2574.
- CHI-2009-FroehlichDKMCHL #mobile #named
- UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits (JF, TD, PVK, JM, SC, BLH, JAL), pp. 1043–1052.
- CHI-2008-ConsolvoMTCFHKLLLSL #process
- Activity sensing in the wild: a field trial of ubifit garden (SC, DWM, TT, MYC, JF, BLH, PVK, AL, LL, RL, IES, JAL), pp. 1797–1806.
- CHI-2008-PatelFLH #development #machine learning #statistics
- Investigating statistical machine learning as a tool for software development (KP, JF, JAL, BLH), pp. 667–676.
- CHI-1999-WantFGH #physics
- Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Electronic Tags (RW, KPF, AG, BLH), pp. 370–377.
- CHI-1998-AdlerGHOS #design
- A Diary Study of Work-Related Reading: Design Implications for Digital Reading Devices (AA, AG, BLH, KO, AS), pp. 241–248.
- CHI-1998-HarrisonFGMW #exclamation #user interface
- Squeeze Me, Hold Me, Tilt Me! An Exploration of Manipulative User Interfaces (BLH, KPF, AG, CM, RW), pp. 17–24.
- CHI-1996-HarrisonV #evaluation
- An Experimental Evaluation of Transparent Menu Usage (BLH, KJV), pp. 391–398.
- CHI-1995-HarrisonIVB #design #evaluation #user interface
- Transparent Layered User Interfaces: An Evaluation of a Display Design to Enhance Focused and Divided Attention (BLH, HI, KJV, WB), pp. 317–324.