Travelled to:
1 × Greece
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Blum D.Sinnig S.Grau M.Hudasch J.Milde
Talks about:
gestur (2) design (2) model (2) prototyp (1) interfac (1) interact (1) configur (1) transit (1) support (1) present (1)
Person: Birgit Bomsdorf
DBLP: Bomsdorf:Birgit
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HCI-AIMT-2014-BomsdorfB #3d #design #interactive #prototype
- Early Prototyping of 3D-Gesture Interaction within the Presentation-Gesture-Dialog Design Space (BB, RB), pp. 12–23.
- HCI-DDA-2011-BomsdorfGHM #configuration management #design #execution #modelling #runtime
- Configurable Executable Task Models Supporting the Transition from Design Time to Runtime (BB, SG, MH, JTM), pp. 155–164.
- HCI-NT-2009-BomsdorfS #modelling #requirements #specification #user interface #validation
- Model-Based Specification and Validation of User Interface Requirements (BB, DS), pp. 587–596.