Travelled to:
1 × Austria
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.I.August N.Vachharajani M.J.Bridges G.Ottoni S.Triantafyllis E.Raman Y.Wu C.Wang J.Chang
Talks about:
analysi (2) disambigu (1) translat (1) synthesi (1) practic (1) pointer (1) select (1) runtim (1) recurs (1) memori (1)
Person: Bolei Guo
DBLP: Guo:Bolei
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PLDI-2007-GuoVA #analysis #induction #recursion #synthesis
- Shape analysis with inductive recursion synthesis (BG, NV, DIA), pp. 256–265.
- CC-2006-GuoWWBOVCA #ambiguity #memory management #runtime
- Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator (BG, YW, CW, MJB, GO, NV, JC, DIA), pp. 65–79.
- CGO-2005-GuoBTORA #analysis #low level #pointer
- Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer Analysis (BG, MJB, ST, GO, ER, DIA), pp. 291–302.